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  • Father Thinks He's A God  on Random Iconic Quote From Every Major Shonen Villain

    (#7) Father Thinks He's A God 

    "When you notice an insect on the ground, do you stop to consider it a fool? The life of an insect is so beneath you that it would be a waste of your time to even consider judging it. That would be an accurate summation of my feelings towards you humans."

    Though he started life as a tiny "dwarf in a flask", Father eventually amasses so much power that that he sees himself as akin to a god. And he's not totally wrong - the dude can create life from nothing and form a miniature sun in the palm of his hand by the end of the series. But because he's so powerful, he sees human life as completely disposible. 

  • Garou Is Rooting For The Underdog on Random Iconic Quote From Every Major Shonen Villain

    (#8) Garou Is Rooting For The Underdog

    "The popular will win, the hated will lose, it's such a tragedy. Then I won't lose to anyone. I will become the strongest monster ever and change this scenario."

    Garou's motives are slightly different from those of most villains. While many villains side with monsters because they believe in their cause, Garou supports them because they're cool. What's more, he finds it inherently unjust that whoever is least popular will always lose - that reminds him too much of being bullied in elementary school. It doesn't matter to him what the monsters are doing as long as he's championing the underdog.

  • All For One Is Doing It For Tomura on Random Iconic Quote From Every Major Shonen Villain

    (#13) All For One Is Doing It For Tomura

    "You've failed again, Tomura. But you mustn't lose heart. There will be more chances to set things right. That's why I've brought along your little band. And the boy… because you determined that he is an important pawn. So go and try again. That's what I'm here to help you to do. It's… all… for you."

    All For One is one of the big bads in the world of My Hero Academia. While his motivation has not been made entirely clear, this line contains some hints. He either has a genuine fatherly side, or is using Tomura for unspecified nefarious purposes.

  • Tomura Shigaraki Sees No Difference Between Heroes And Villains on Random Iconic Quote From Every Major Shonen Villain

    (#14) Tomura Shigaraki Sees No Difference Between Heroes And Villains

    “Heroes and villains both thrive on violence, but we’re still categorized. 'You’re good.' 'You’re evil.' That’s how it is! Symbol of peace? Hah! In the end you’re just a tool for violence, made to keep us down. And violence only breeds more violence.” 

    Tomura Shigaraki is an angry young man who was ignored by heroes when he needed their help the most. Now, he wants to totally dismantle a society that he believes is unjust. His mentor All For One is more than happy to use his rage for a more complex and nefarious plan.

  • Majin Buu on Random Iconic Quote From Every Major Shonen Villain

    (#24) Majin Buu

    • Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!, Dragon Ball

    "You called me an idiot! I'll turn you into pudding and eat you up!" 

    Depending on what form he takes, Majin Buu speaks in a completely different manner. In this case, he's in conflict with Beerus, the God of Destruction, and he's none too pleased with being disrespected. 

  • Muzan Kibutsuji Hates When You Call Him Weak on Random Iconic Quote From Every Major Shonen Villain

    (#20) Muzan Kibutsuji Hates When You Call Him Weak

    "Does my complexion look terrible to you? Does my face look pale to you? Do I look weak to you? Does it look like I haven't got long to live? Does it look like I'm close to death?"

    Before he became the first demon, Muzan Kibutsuji was weak and sickly. Now, whenever anyone reminds him of that painful chapter of his past, he becomes enraged. This particular quote was shouted at some random passersby who was unlucky enough to comment on his appearance. They paid the price for that.

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About This Tool

In the past, there were always good guys and bad guys, and there were some bad guys who were good enough to make you gnash your teeth, but I have to say, it was because they were willing to be green leaves that they were able to make the hero shine. And some of the villain’s classic lines have meaning, some have been copied. I’m sure I’ll be back in the POKÉMON. The Asian Flying Eagle? Too Bad this is Europe; you don’t even deserve to die at my hands and so on.

There is a classic villain in almost every cartoon, and they tend to say amazing things, and their classic quotes and characters always impress us more than they do us. This random tool generates 25 items, including nearly all the classic cartoons on the market. Such as Pain, s Suke Aizen, and Madara Uchiha, can you recall their famous sayings?

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