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  • (#9) A Story Of Everything Working Out

    Posted by Redditor /u/Snacksmcgee07:

    We broke up three days ago. Good thing we have always been best friends. Right now we have gone through our "if the world ends" plans. I'd say I'm really thankful we agreed to stay as roomates until we both are financially secure. Now I'm just quarantined with my best friend who I know has my back and vice versa.

  • (#3) The Name Says It All

    Posted by Redditor /u/sadthrowaway4me:

    Just yesterday I was working from home while my wife was finishing up her last day at work. Her iPad was dinging like crazy with text messages so I went to put it on do not disturb. As I unlocked it (yes we know each others pins), I saw the long text stating that she doesn't want to be with me anymore...blah blah blah.

    We had a good long talk when she got home. She is unsure if she actually wants to leave me. She's staying with her parents for the weekend and we have a counseling session planned for Tuesday to help us figure out if we are going to try to fix the things that are broken in our marriage, or cut our losses and move on.

    It has been a long and difficult day for me.

    [Edit] Thanks for all the encouragement (and the reality check from some of you). I'm so sorry for those of you going through similar circumstances. I have a lot of me to work on and I have decided that this will be a turning point in my life regardless of the outcome of our relationship. In the meantime I'm feeling incredibly lonely and I don't think I have ever wanted a hug so bad in my entire life.

  • (#15) 'Not Fun'

    Posted by Redditor /u/Area_man_claims:

    My ex and I decided to get divorced a few weeks ago, and she is still planning on moving out at the end of the month. We thought we would both be busy enough for it not to be that hard, but then pandemic happened.

    It’s... not fun.

  • (#6) Wishful Thinking

    Posted by Redditor /u/heyitscas:

    God if only that were my housemate and his partner. But no, instead I'm stuck here with Mr. and Mrs. Celebrate-Monthly-Anniversaries.

  • (#10) Change Of Heart

    Posted by Redditor /u/

    Actually...good? I think I changed my mind now?

    A little before all this started I made it clear that I was considering divorce and he started making an effort. Now, with the exception of the ever-present fear of getting too sick to care for our children or society crumbling and being unable to meet our basic needs, there aren't any distractions. And now I'm finally getting the things I've been asking for for years. ("Things" being communication and non-tangible lifestyle choices)

  • (#4) Parent Trap

    Posted by Redditor /u/LeadingAvocado:

    I am currently quarantined with my parents who parents are in the middle of a divorce (dad decided to get a girlfriend after 27 years of marriage) and they aren’t speaking to each other but using me as a go between. It’s been the longest week of my life.

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About This Tool

It is not easy to get over the difficult time after break up for all people, and now that we are in a pandemic, getting out of a relationship is even more complicated. During this time, we are usually unable to use many methods to get rid of our heartbreak. However, some lovers who are on the verge of breaking up are forced to continue their intimate lives dramatically during quarantine.

The epidemic has changed our way of life, and it has also brought various challenges to lovers and couples at different stages of society. The random tool shares 15 stories of people who were dramatically quarantined during a breakup.

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