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  • (#14) Part-Time Job

    From Redditor u/DeputyDongz:

    I deliver pizza in a very rich area. I’m talking seeing Rolls Royce’s and supercars on a daily basis kind of rich.

    My manager told me a story of someone that used to work there. This guy would deliver pizzas in a brand new BMW M3 and just put absolutely no effort into his job (delivering pizza isn’t hard).

    Apparently this guy only had a job because his parents wouldn’t pay his allowance if he didn’t work.

    How much was his allowance?

    $5,000 a month

    This guy was making $60,000 a year to deliver pizza part time.

  • (#17) Snack Time

    From Redditor u/Vinegar_Fingers:

    Dunno if it qualifies as rich kid syndrome but when I got out of the Navy, I decided to use my GI bill at one of the Penn State satellites. I was sitting in the cafeteria drinking coffee and typing up a paper when a girl sits down across from me and opens her backpack. She pulls out a sandwich bag and looks at it in disgust then looks me dead in the eye and says, "I don't even know why I bother my mother never cuts off the crust," 

    I let out one of those high pitched short laughs like is this girl for real? Oblivious to the tone of it she says, "I know, right?" Then asks me if I want it. 

    I looked around thinking I was getting pranked or something cause this shit is too stereotypical to be real and I just assumed I was being filmed. She shook it at me and gave me a "Well?" look. So I said f**k it and took the sandwich, she then pulled out her student ID card and bought a crap ton of french fries. 

    That sandwich was awesome, I think the bread was homemade and it was stacked like a Dagwood. It had all kinds of expensive looking meats and Dijon mustard, serious gourmet s**t. I know this girls mother will never see this but I just wanna say someone appreciated that sandwich.

  • (#18) Chump Change

    From Redditor u/Lemuria_666:

    My friend literally throws away his change because he hates holding coins. Doesn't matter if it's $.99, he'll throw it away. That sh*t adds up.

  • (#3) Quick Fix

    From Redditor u/vobvobvob99:

    One of my college classmates wrecked his Range Rover over winter break and came back in an Aston Martin

  • (#2) Surprise?

    From Redditor u/PazzaCiccio:

    A girl in my school was "surprised" by her parents in the school's parking lot with a new BMW. A freaking BMW. Everyone who is out is basically watching this go down and she starts crying. At first we are all thinking its because she's so happy but then she runs back into the school. Apparently they were supposed to show up earlier (I'm assuming when there would be more students to witness the surprise).

    I felt bad for the dad because he looked totally embarrassed and sad about it. You know in his head he's like, "I created this monster."

  • (#8) Hot Spot

    From Redditor u/-ipaguy-:

    I called out a woman who parked her car dead center over the dividing line between two empty spots. She responded, "I know I did, and it's because I drive a Lexus. Don't make me call my husband on you."

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About This Tool

Studies have shown that wealthy parenting methods may bring a variety of social and psychological problems to children. Sometimes children can put parents in embarrassing situations. For example, when they are obsessed with something, if they fail to get it, the child will start to lose their temper endlessly. In addition, if my parents cannot say "no" to their children, they may also face the sufferers of the rich kid syndrome.

The rich kid syndrome stems from the wrong parenting style. These parents always fulfill all the wishes of their children without letting them spend any energy. The random tool lists 20 people who are sure suffering from the rich kid syndrome.

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