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  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) on Random The Worst Superpower Based On Your Zodiac

    (#9) Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

    For many of us, the ability to conjure up a different personality for different situations would be great. But for the independent Sagittarian, the dual mind would be a small corner of perdition. The split mind is the ultimate in dependent living; you can't even exist in the world unless someone (the other you) allows you to. And what a mess that other mind might make while you're hidden away in the subconscious. Sagittarians are of one mind, and one is all they need.

  • Libra (September 23 - October 22) on Random The Worst Superpower Based On Your Zodiac

    (#7) Libra (September 23 - October 22)

    • Constellation

    Since Libras are always seeking balance and accord, it might seem like they would appreciate the gift of shapeshifting. The Air sign's notorious indecisiveness,  however, would probably make this superpower anything but enjoyable. Should they be a wolf? A mountain? Their best friend? Determining the best form for an occasion or project would be a nearly impossible task.

    The search for harmony would likely put Libra in an endless shifting loop. For this Air sign, it's better to seek balance in their own mold. 

  • Aries (March 21 - April 19) on Random The Worst Superpower Based On Your Zodiac

    (#1) Aries (March 21 - April 19)

    • Constellation

    You might think you want the ability to foresee the future, but the power wouldn't be a gift to all. For the independent Aries, precognition would be quite the curse. This Fire sign is all about courage and leadership, and it's not very brave to go into battle – or that intimidating board meeting – when you already know the outcome. 

    Of course, if an Aries knows the battle will be lost, they'll look like a coward for not wanting to fight. Better to not know and forge ahead bravely!

  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) on Random The Worst Superpower Based On Your Zodiac

    (#11) Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

    • Constellation

    What better way to have some time to yourself than to generate a force field to keep everyone out? A little solitude may sound great to some, but nothing could be worse for the gregarious Aquarius. Aquarians treasure their time with others in conversation and fun, and the ability to close themselves off via force field would rarely be used by this Air sign.

  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20) on Random The Worst Superpower Based On Your Zodiac

    (#12) Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

    • Constellation

    Pisces lives in a world of sensitivity, and they're often looking to escape reality. Super logic and intelligence would just get in the way of their gut-level decisions and nonlinear thinking. Overanalysis is not usually Pisces's way of thinking, and a secular type of super intelligence could easily hamper their creative style.

  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20) on Random The Worst Superpower Based On Your Zodiac

    (#2) Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

    • Constellation

    The easygoing Taurus likes nothing better than a long, philosophical discussion or enjoying every moment of a rich meal. What a waste super speed would be on the bull! It's hard to stop and smell the roses when you're zipping along at a zillion miles per hour – you can't even see the roses! Taureans are notorious for moving slowly (but deliberately), and super speed would be more of a bane than a blessing for the Earth sign.

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About This Tool

In 270 BC, 47 constellations are mentioned in the book of images by the Greek poet Aratus. Because of precession, the South Pole of the period described in the book is not consistent with the South Pole of today, so it can be concluded that the starfield recorded in the book is the 20th century BC At the same time, the blank space in the sky record indicates that the observer should be somewhere between 35 and 36 degrees north latitude. It is therefore thought that the division of the starry sky into constellations originated in the Babylonian and Sumerian periods of Mesopotamia, from which the Greek and Egyptian constellations may have originated.

Everyone knows that different constellations have different personality traits. This random tool generates 12 items to help you playfully discover what different constellations might have for different abilities. This is a particularly interesting finding.

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