Random Aquarius Facts | Best Random Tools

  •  An aquarius will always put a smile just not to kill the mood of anyone else[aquarius]

  •  Aquarius prefer things to be simple and straightforward[aquarius]

  •  Aquarius man prefers to get to know you, rather than cast his own opinions; he doesn’t mind being “different”; he doesn’t like confrontation (but prefers thinps go his way); he may switch subjects when talking or zone out in a conversation; he’s incredibly smart and likes doing for people; not the most affectionate but he’s likes “showing off” his mate; he’s always thinkin[aquarius]

  •  Aquarius often finds it hard to communicate their extremely complex thoughts and feelings.[aquarius]

  •  Impress an aquarius by making them think and laugh[aquarius]

  •  An aquarius tends to use heavy loads of sarcasm when they’re pissed off, because they don’t want to say things too hurtful to others[aquarius]

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