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Random Bear Factsreport

  •  Like people, all bears except pandas walk by putting their feet flat on the ground. This kind of walking is called “plantigrade.” In contrast to bears, other large animals—including dogs, horses, and even elephants—walk on their toes.[bear]

  •  A male bear is called a boar or a he-bear. A female bear is called a sow or a she-bear. A group of bears is called a sleuth or sloth.[bear]

  •  Currently, approximately 8,000 bears are kept on “bear farms” in China. They are bred and kept in captivity so that bile from the gallbladders can be extracted for medicinal use. The bile is removed from the live animal through a catheter surgically implanted into the gallbladder.[bear]

  •  Bears are the only large predators that regularly eat both meat and plants. For this reason, they have different teeth specifically used for meat eating and plant eating.[bear]

  •  During hibernation, a bear does not defecate. Its body can somehow recycle body waste into protein—a process scientists still do not understand.[bear]

  •  While most bears have bare feet, the paws of polar bears have fur on the bottoms and between the toes. Bears lose most of their heat from their paws.[bear]

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