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    JSA: The Liberty Files

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    war on crime

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    Grant Morrison   Grant Morrison

    Batman and Robin

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    Grant Morrison Grant Morrison

    Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity

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    Batman: Birth of the Demon

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    Batman: Blind Justice

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    Sam Hamm


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About Random Best Batman Comics

It's an exciting tool for displaying random best batman comics. We collected a list of "Random Best Batman Comics" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random best batman comics shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

So many great Batman stories out there. A dark, brooding, completely kick-ass superhero in a brutal, festering city is ripe ground for good writing. The best Batman story arcs always bring out the best in the Dark Knight. Any list like this is going to be pretty subjective, but I've opened it up for everyone to add anything they see is missing here. I've started with my personal favorites, but everyone's gotta start somewhere! Vote on what you think are the best batman comic series and add what's (in your opinion) missing. What are the best Batman stories?

What is the best Batman comic? Check out more lists like what is the best Spider Man costume? Which Iron Man Amor is the best? Who had the coolest superhero costume of all time? 

So what are your top Batman comics?

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