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    Shoot Around The Star, Not Right At It

    Shoot Around The Star, Not Right At It

    [ranking: 6]
    This is one of the most difficult carnival games. According to numerous sources, the way to beat it is to shoot around the star to make a circle so the paper will fall out with the star. Note that the gun barrels are often bent, and their marks are not accurate. It's important to gauge just how far off the mark the gun shoots and adjust your aim accordingly within the first few shots.

    Ignore The Rungs To Beat The Rope Ladder

    Ignore The Rungs To Beat The Rope Ladder

    [ranking: 5]
    The trick to climbing carnival rope ladders, according to Blifaloo.com, is to ignore the rungs and only use the outside ropes to climb on. While applying equal pressure with your right foot and left arm, move your left foot and right arm at the same time. Then do the same thing with the opposite limbs, shimmying yourself up the ladder.
    Do not move both hands or both feet at the same time because you'll lose your balance.

    Ask To Guess Your Birth Month, Not Age Or Weight

    Ask To Guess Your Birth Month, Not Age Or Weight

    [ranking: 10]
    Unless you are significantly overweight or really don't look your age, it's best to have a carnival operator guess your birth month. However, according to Blifaloo.com, you should say that your birthday is in October even if it's not. Here's why: If the carny uses this trick (not all do) they will scribble down something like the image above. Does it say Jun, Jul, or Jan? The guesser could claim it's whichever is closest to your birth month.
    That wide spread allows the carny to be within two months of any month except one: October.

    The Odds Are Not In Your Favor At The Duck Pond

    The Odds Are Not In Your Favor At The Duck Pond

    [ranking: 22]
    The goal of the duck pond is to use a fishing pole to retrieve a plastic duck from a makeshift pond. You're supposed to keep playing in the hope of getting a better prize, but 99% are marked for a "slum prize," which is carny jargon for junk. It's like the lottery: somebody can hit the jackpot, but it's unlikely to be you.

    Even If You Win, The Goldfish Loses

    Even If You Win, The Goldfish Loses

    [ranking: 23]
    One of the easiest games at any carnival is the goldfish game, the one where you toss a ping pong ball into a bowl to win that live pet you never wanted. Even if you win, though, the fish probably costs less than what you paid to play the game. And you're stuck carrying the little guy around the carnival in a little plastic bag.
    What goldfish doesn't want to hang out in a sandwich bag while you stuff your face with cotton candy and play games?

    Use Gentle Backspin For The Basket Toss

    Use Gentle Backspin For The Basket Toss

    [ranking: 12]
    The basket toss seems deceptively easy, but it's not. You should lean over to get as close to the basket as you are allowed. Toss the ball gently using some backspin. Aim for the inside upper lip of the basket.


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About Random Best Ways To Beat Carnival Games

It's an exciting tool for displaying random best ways to beat carnival games. We collected a list of "Random Best Ways To Beat Carnival Games" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random best ways to beat carnival games shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

With some so seemingly rigged, have you ever wondered how to win carnival games? With these helpful tips, you can win at carnival games and trump ancient carny tricks. Every summer, colorful lights and the smell of fried dough lure you to a state fair or local carnival, where you just might be tempted to play a carnival game, especially if your heart's set on a giant stuffed SpongeBob.

Before you plunk down your hard-earned cash to test your strength or match wits with carnies in the ring toss, know that the odds are never in your favor. It's like The Hunger Games that way. You'll have a better chance at some games than others, and some (like the one with the bowling pin you have to knock over) are just physically impossible.

Did you know that the game where you use a ring on a fishing line to stand up a beer bottle is probably the easiest to win? Or how about the secret to knocking down the cats in the cat rack? We collected pro tips to help you knock down milk jugs, sink baskets, flip coins onto a plate, and many more.

Step right up and read all about it, then vote for your favorite tip that you can use to win big at your next carnival!

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