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    A Cemetery Visitor Tried To Commit Suicide

    A Cemetery Visitor Tried To Commit Suicide

    [ranking: 11]
    From Ugly_Couch:
    "It didn't happen while I was there, but my boss said someone slit their throat at their grandma's grave. They had to run over and save the guy."

    A Corpse Whose Hair And Fingernails Grew

    A Corpse Whose Hair And Fingernails Grew

    [ranking: 12]
    From meeeghanp7:
    "My grandpa was the head honcho at a cemetery, and when my dad was younger, he worked doing manual labor type stuff. This one time, a lady was moving to Florida and wanted to move her husband's grave with her. Water had gotten into the casket, and I guess that caused the corpse's hair and fingernails to continue growing for some reason, according to my dad. I don't know how long the guy had been buried, but I would imagine a corpse with super long nails and hair is quite an unpleasant sight."

    An Encounter With A Perfectly Seated, Fresh Corpse

    An Encounter With A Perfectly Seated, Fresh Corpse

    [ranking: 1]
    From adelvetica:
    "This was pretty much when I decided that I couldn't work at the cemetery anymore...
    As I drive up to my usual spot, I notice a white car parked in the middle of the road at a diagonal, almost blocking the entire road. I parked behind it and thought it was weird, but maybe an elderly person was visiting early or something. I got out of my car and started walking up the hill to get to our office on the other side. On the hill there was a brick path with a railing. As I'm walking up on the brick path, it's really bright, but I can sort of see someone slouched on the path with their head down low, sort of leaning against the railing.
    Sometimes there are homeless people who sleep in the cemetery. I thought this was one of those situations, so I got off the path and walked on the grass, trying to avoid encountering the person. But as I got closer, I realized that there was something seriously wrong. I walked a bit closer and immediately knew this person wasn't alive. I didn't want to walk closer, but I could see it was a woman and she had a thin noose tied around her neck, and there was blood everywhere around her.
    ...The other weird part was that she was perfectly sitting, almost like she had been placed there or something. It could've just been a coincidence, I don??t know. After that horrible viewing, we went back to the office and waited for the police to come...
    They came back half an hour later and told us they found a suicide note in the car I parked behind. They told us she was a former nurse and had recently lost her daughter. No one knew if the woman??s daughter was buried nearby, or why she picked that spot she did."

    Two Sisters Went To A Funeral, Only One Left

    Two Sisters Went To A Funeral, Only One Left

    [ranking: 4]
    From FunDirector:
    "We had these two really active senior sisters in town, always out and about doing things. Never married, lived together their whole lives, took care of each other all the time. One of their friends died, and they came to the funeral. After the sermon, we are ushering everyone by the casket and Sister One waves us off, and sits there holding Sister Two's hand. We take the casket out, we are getting everyone into their cars and these two sisters are still sitting there. I walk over, ask if everything is all right. Sister One calmly tells me Sister Two died during the service, and they didn't want to make a fuss at their friend's funeral."

    An Eggplant Stuffed With Paper Was Dropped In A Freshly-Dug Grave

    An Eggplant Stuffed With Paper Was Dropped In A Freshly-Dug Grave

    [ranking: 5]
    From Punxatowny:
    "About 30 minutes before a funeral, someone showed up and was standing near the freshly dug grave. I thought nothing of it, thinking they'd just shown up early. About 10 minutes later, I get a call from the manager. She says someone put something inside the grave. I go to investigate and this is what I found [the eggplant]. The picture and the strips of paper were found inside the holes [of the eggplant]. I'm not sure what its purpose is. My first thought was voodoo, but many others have suggested it may be santeria. The name on the paper was not the name of the person being buried."

    Creepy Flowers That Never Wilt

    Creepy Flowers That Never Wilt

    [ranking: 3]
    From seagullalumni:
    "In one of our mausoleums, some of the crypts (the hole in the wall the caskets go into) have enough space for caskets to go in one after another. For example, one casket will go in first, then the hole will get sealed and you can put the spouse or whoever wants to go in the same crypt, years later after opening it again.
    The only creepy story I've been told by a couple of our groundskeepers is this: People often put flowers in the crypt before it's sealed. They claim to have re-opened a crypt from the 1990s years later to see the flowers still completely fresh, like new. Real, not fake flowers."


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About Random Creepiest Things Left At Graves Cemetery Workers Described

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest things left at graves cemetery workers described. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Things Left At Graves Cemetery Workers Described" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest things left at graves cemetery workers described shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

True stories from cemetery workers include tales about the living as well as the dead. While just the thought of working with corpses can be enough to give someone the heebie jeebies, cemetery workers like gravediggers, groundskeepers, and others involved in a cemetery's upkeep may encounter creepy cemetery stories on a daily basis. Whether they're discovering strange objects left on graves or dealing with exploding coffins, these true stories from Reddit are sure to creep you out.

Although working with dead people is far from the dream job of many, cemetery workers often enjoy the peace, quiet, and outdoor work. They are also providing a critical service many people only think about when a loved one passes away. Providing closure as well as the ability to "visit" with friends and family that have passed on is important to society in many different cultures. That said, working in a cemetery can still have its downsides. These cemetery workers describe the creepiest things they found at grave sites, as well as some freaky sights and experiences.

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