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    Car accident victim meets hermit

    Car accident victim meets hermit

    [ranking: 13]
    "I live on a compound by myself. It's my tiny home, work shop, and a couple of other buildings for food/equipment storage and a guest room. During one bad snowstorm I decided to hunker in for the long haul. I spent almost two weeks without leaving. Three days in, I get woken up to a knock at the door. I get up to answer it and halfway there, I realize the only way this guy could knock on my door is if he broke the outside gate lock. So I grab my shotgun and ask him through the door who he is and what he wants.
    Guy says nothing and keeps banging. I go out the back door and sneak around front and I see a man who is on the ground, covered in blood, and shouting for help. Turns out he was driving, crashed and dragged himself five miles down the road until he came to my place. By then he realized that I forgot to lock the bottom part of the gate and dragged himself in. Luckily he survived."

    Group of hikers is followed

    Group of hikers is followed

    [ranking: 9]
    "It was late at night and I was hiking in a group of about five people. We didn't have enough flashlights to go around, so we gave one to the person in front and I took one since I was in the back. I felt like I was being watched so I flashed the light around and saw a pair of green eyes attached to a body slink back off the trail a little bit. Our light wasn't powerful enough to get a super good bead on it, but every 30 seconds or so thereafter, I would turn around and flash the light up the trail and see it.
    It followed us for probably a half hour, until we were 10 minutes from the cars. The people I was hiking with didn't notice, and mountain lions don't often jump large groups of adults. I didn't say a word while it was following us since I didn't want to run the risk of a panic so I freaked out by myself in silence."

    Campers find mutilated coyotes

    Campers find mutilated coyotes

    [ranking: 8]
    "When I was 16 years old, I had to do a wilderness program in the  high desert area before I went to rehab. One night when we were camping by this river, we heard a whole pack of wolves come through the campsite probably about 50 feet away from where we were sleeping. We didn??t have tents, only tarps that we set up as A-frames each night with surrounding trees. Thankfully, the wolves didn??t disturb us. The next day we were backpacking and found about a dozen coyotes mutilated, cut open and displayed on fences. It was pretty strange and frightening. I was ready to go back to civilization ASAP and start rehab."

    Farmers witness ant invasion

    Farmers witness ant invasion

    [ranking: 7]
    "I spent an entire year at my cousin's farm in Colombia. It's very deep into the mountains and 90 percent of his land is covered in forest. One day I was picking some tomatoes when suddenly the whole mountain goes silent. Not a single animal made a sound. All of a sudden every critter imaginable starts coming out of every hole and every crack and starts running uphill. Massive tarantulas, huge cockroaches, beetles, mice, rats, etc. Anything that crawled on land was rushing away. Then the dogs started barking and whimpering. My cousin yelled, "La ronda, La ronda!" which means "The round, the round!" He tells me to get inside the house.
    Then he gets a bag out with some sort of poison and starts pouring it outside the house. I hear what sounds like running water coming uphill from the trees. I looked outside and saw what was probably millions of ants crawling up the mountain and eating every living thing in their path. It was absolutely terrifying. I couldn't see the ground because there were so many ants. Luckily, the poison worked and the ants crawled away from the house. My cousin was happy because the ants killed whatever pests were around."

    Trail crew hears inhuman screams

    Trail crew hears inhuman screams

    [ranking: 19]
    "I was working on a trail crew in the Trinity Alps of Northern California. We had 13 people on the crew and a few support staff. At this point we'd been in the woods for about two and a half months. We had all seen and heard bears, mountain lions, pretty much anything you can think of that would make terrifying noises. After dinner one evening, most of us are sitting around the fire doing whatever and all of a sudden there's a LOUD agonized screaming sound. It was unlike anything any of us had heard. If I had to describe it, I'd call it a mountain lion's shriek combined with the horror of a banshee. Everyone was understandably freaked the hell out. It sounded reasonably close so a few of us, myself included, decided to investigate. About three miles from our base camp there was a creature tied to a tree, absolutely losing it's mind. It was a llama! At this point, it's 10 p.m. or so, and 25 miles from the nearest trailhead. We tried to calm it down without much success and went back to camp.The next morning, the llama was gone. It looked like it had broken its restraint and ran off.
    We kept hearing the horrible llama noises from time to time for a few weeks. Towards the end of the season, a group of hunters passed us on the trail and after chatting for a bit, we found out they tied the llama there because it decided to be stubborn and refused to walk anymore. Apparently it laid down on the trail and WOULD not move. So they left it and decided to come back for it. We figured at that point, the llama was probably dead. We hadn't heard any hellacious llama screams for a few months and didn't really think about it. However, at the end of the season when we all finally got back in the crew van and were driving out, that damn llama jumped across the road about 30 yards in front of us. I still think about the demon llama from time to time.   

    Person housesitting hears a knock at the door

    Person housesitting hears a knock at the door

    [ranking: 4]
    "In college, I spent one month house sitting a large hunting estate in the middle of nowhere in Idaho. The nearest town was 22 miles away. The house belonged to my girlfriend at the time??s dad who asked to fill in for the caretaker. One night, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone knocking loud and hard on the front door and the dogs were going nuts. There was no way I was going to answer it. I just grabbed a gun and kept quiet upstairs. There were several neighbors that were a few miles away, so I thought someone just simply drove up the wrong driveway. Next morning at dawn, I open the front door to let the dogs out and see a white Chevy Nova sitting in the driveway. There was only one set of tire tracks coming in to the house. I called my girlfriend's dad and asked him if he knew anyone with that make/ model car and told him about what had happened the night before.
    He didn't know anyone and he called the police. They show up ask me a few questions and walk around the property for about an hour or so. The car was locked, so the police had it towed. A few days later, my girlfriend's dad called me up to say the guy who owned that car was missing and to call the police if anything weird happened again. I have no idea who the guy was at all. I found out later that the owner of the car was found dead by suicide 30 miles away. The suicide happened several months after that incident at the house, and he was found a couple of days after he had killed himself. I still wonder what would have happened if I had answered the door."


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About Random Creepiest Things Outdoor Enthusiasts Told They've Seen

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest things outdoor enthusiasts told they've seen. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Things Outdoor Enthusiasts Told They've Seen" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest things outdoor enthusiasts told they've seen shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.
There is nothing as scary as silence - especially when you're alone in the middle of nowhere. Your own thoughts can get the best of you, you wonder if your mind is playing tricks on you, and you can never be sure if someone... or something... isn't looking over your shoulder. Anybody who has spent time living in the woods alone has a creepy story to tell, so we scoured Reddit and collected a list of stories from nature enthusiasts who have encountered some seriously creepy things out there. 

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