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    Death Isn't Always The End For Furbies

    Death Isn't Always The End For Furbies

    [ranking: 14]
    From Redditor /u/patticakes86:
    "My sister and I both received them for christmas though we didn't ask for them. A few weeks later we were playing barbies in our room when the 2 furbies started talking for no reason at all with their creepy voices. From that moment, we knew they were evil or at least possessed by tiny demons so we decided to throw them away.
    We did. They showed up the next morning on our dresser that was right next to our beds. Scared us even more. So we decided to destroy them: with heat.
    My mom had a showtime rotisserie oven she bought off tv. We put our furbies in it and tried to roast them. She saw it, took them out and placed them on top. She forgot to turn off the rotisserie and the lower half of them melted into this nasty plastic fur and wire mound of toy.
    My dad came home from work that day and after getting pissed at us, went to the garage and scraped them off with a paint scraper. He put them back in our room on our dresser and told us we better not throw them away. My sister and I still have melted furbies in our old room on the shelf of our closet."

    Furbies Have Feelings Too, You Know

    Furbies Have Feelings Too, You Know

    [ranking: 6]
    From Redditor /u/I_Can_Do_A_Cartwheel:
    "So when I was abooooout let's say 7 or 8 I had two Furbys. A Mom Furby and baby Furby. One day my older brothers were f*cking around with the baby Furby throwing it up in the air over and over again until one of them eventually drops it. It ended up making some weird noises, closing it's eyes, and never turning back on. The Mom Furby apparently hears this, makes the EXACT SAME NOISES and then proceeds to die off as well. THE MOM FURBY DIED OF APPARENT SADNESS OVER THE DEATH OF HER CHILD. I changed the batteries in both numerous times and they never came back to life.
    Anywho, Furbys have been a slightly traumatic experience for me."

    When Your Furby Needs An Exorcism

    When Your Furby Needs An Exorcism

    [ranking: 12]
    From Redditor /u/jaszygasm:  
    "I had one as a kid. Got tired of it after a few weeks after playing with it A LOT and put it away on the top shelf of my closet. A few MONTHS later I was laying in bed after playing too much Super Mario and trying to fall asleep when I heard the most horrible terrifying sound of my life. That f*cking thing was asking me to feed it or tickle it or something but it sounded like a demon (I guess the batteries were not doing so well, I personally figured they would be dead after so long). Once I realized what was going on I took it off the shelf and ripped the back open and disposed of the batteries I thought were dead. 
    One of my scariest childhood memories." 

    Because Mutilating Furbies Makes Them Cuter

    Because Mutilating Furbies Makes Them Cuter

    [ranking: 13]
    From Redditor /u/houinator:  
    "My brother had a Furby and got bored with it, so he decided to skin it. I woke up one morning to a hollow Furby pelt (It maintained the same shape) sitting on my chest. Its hollow eye holes were particularly terrifying." 

    When Furbies Are Pure Nightmare Fuel

    When Furbies Are Pure Nightmare Fuel

    [ranking: 4]
    From Redditor /u/burnzkid:  
    "Had two Furbies, they were buried in the bottom of the toy box. Sleeping in the dead of night, years after we got them, I hear a deep, slow voice groaning "Feeeeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeeee." 
    Oh, HELL no. 
    Screamed, ran to my parent's room, woke them both up, had them come into my room to get the monster away. They go, digging around the room, when we hear it again. 
    "Feeeeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeeee," it said. 
    More screaming and crying. 
    Finally my dad pulls out this half-dead Furby from inside the toy box, and goes to smash it with a hammer in the garage. Still had nightmares from that one years later." 

    This Furby Just Wanted To Party

    This Furby Just Wanted To Party

    [ranking: 17]
    From Redditor /u/go_boy:  
    "We skinned one at a party at my house in 1999. It continued to talk and sing the whole time. At the end my roomie held it aloft to show everyone who hadn't been able to see. It said, "Hey, party!" and then stopped moving and never moved again.  
    Poor guy just wanted to party with us." 


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About Random Creepiest Things People Described Their Furbies Have Ever Done

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest things people described their furbies have ever done. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Things People Described Their Furbies Have Ever Done" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest things people described their furbies have ever done shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

If you had a Furby growing up, you probably have a few frightening Furby tales. With their cries at midnight to be fed and gibberish language, these initially-cute-but-later-terrifying beasts went from one of the hottest toys of the 1998 holiday season to a rumored government spying contraption rather quickly. Even if you shoved your Furby in the closet to make it go to sleep, they would still to squeak out "FEED ME," in the dead of the night. Compared to the cool toys that exist today, Furbies could be viewed as straight up torture devices.

Redditors have taken to the internet to share their creepy Furby stories, so we all know we're not alone in our warranted fear of these things. If you've ever wanted to know the creepiest things Furbies have done, then look no further. Check out the terrifying Furbies stories below.  

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