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    They Heard A Blood-Curdling Scream Over And Over

    They Heard A Blood-Curdling Scream Over And Over

    [ranking: 8]
    From Redditor u/JesusLice:
    My SO and I lived in a small cabin up in the Appalachian mountains on an isolated 40 acre plot. It was our first week in the cabin. Sometime in the middle of night we heard a bloodcurdling scream right outside of our window.
    Not just once, but over and over again, for about a minute.

    The Scent Of Cologne Was Like Being Followed

    The Scent Of Cologne Was Like Being Followed

    [ranking: 12]
    From Redditor u/kelce:
    I used to live in the middle of nowhere. We had one neighbor whose house we couldn't even see through the trees and hills. On the other side of us, up another hill there was a dirt road that basically went nowhere. At the beginning of the dirt road there was this old abandoned church which made it automatically creepy.
    Anyway, berries used to grow down this dirt road so we'd go pick them. On the way back one day we got an extremely strong scent of cologne. A quick scan didn't show anyone but every time the wind blew we got another whiff. Still don't know where the scent was coming from but it creeped me out big time. You don't think about how no one could hear you scream until you're forced to.

    They Caught A Stranger Taking Creepy Selfies In Their Home

    They Caught A Stranger Taking Creepy Selfies In Their Home

    [ranking: 1]
    From Redditor u/---annon---:
    My husband worked nights so I'd be alone on a huge acreage. One night I go into the kitchen to make tea and I look outside to see the moon and there is a face on the other side of the window. I scream and it wakes up my aging husky who starts to howl. Dude bolts. I call the cops and wait forever locked in my pantry.
    Next day my husband and I ride on horseback our whole property. We find a small make shift cabin on the northwest corner. We find stuff stolen from our laundry line and canned stuff from our kitchen. He had pinned up selfies in the cabin he had taken while in our bed and sitting at our daughter's child-sized dinner table.

    He Stumbled Upon A Crazy Man In Italy

    He Stumbled Upon A Crazy Man In Italy

    [ranking: 15]
    From Redditor u/CaptainNemo95:
    I live by the Adriatic Coast of Italy. One summer night of 2013 I was with some friends on the beach, having a party, when at around 1:00 AM I climbed the rocks to find a place to p*ss. There was a full moon and I could see very clearly.
    I walked away from the beach until I saw a small cove, a small sandy bay, invisible from the inland but easily reachable from the rocks. I thought it was the best spot to relieve my bladder and went there. As I neared, I distinctly saw that there was a man, a fat, very big man in his 50s, sitting in the sand doing absolutely nothing, his head tucked in his arms.
    I should have known better, but I moved closer and asked if he needed anything, thinking he might have been feeling unwell. He raised this bull-like head and started screaming madly to get away from him lest he killed me by "cracking your head on the rocks."
    I scrambled and ran like crazy back to my friends. I turned backwards and I was relieved to find that he wasn't following me. We called the police, who came and discovered that he was a mentally ill person who hadn't taken his medications and his family had declared missing in the afternoon. They managed to reassure him without resorting to violence and escorted him back to his abitation. It was the only time that I really feared for my life...

    They Found A Little Girl's Possessions Literally In The Middle Of Nowhere

    They Found A Little Girl's Possessions Literally In The Middle Of Nowhere

    [ranking: 10]
    From Redditor u/bluekc:
    When I was about 13 and exploring the woods, I found a pillowcase with a jewelry box, a bunch of cheap kids jewelry, a couple key chains, a school idea for a girl in fourth grade, and a couple other little girl things. I didn't think much of it at the moment but I couple of days later I went back to get it and it was gone. I still wish I could remember the girl's name or even the school she went to because I have a feeling something horrible happened.
    I grew up in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, 10 miles outside of a "town" that doesn't even have a stop light just so you guys have a picture of how rural it was. The scariest sound I've ever heard is a mountain lion's scream. You can never get used to that sound.

    Someone Started Scratching A Trailer In The Middle Of Nowhere

    Someone Started Scratching A Trailer In The Middle Of Nowhere

    [ranking: 9]
    From Redditor u/0veru5edMemez:
    My dad owns a plot of land in south-central Illinois. It consists of crop fields and woods. My dad's nephew, call him T, and his wife, B, live in a trailer next to an auction barn they own.
    One night, B was home alone. They're porch faces the road, and they have a street light by their circle drive (on their ground, not the road). B saw a silhouette walk across the porch, his shadow visible on the door window. She later heard scratching on the screen of a window. She had enough. She grabbed T's handgun and opened the door.
    There was no car in the circle drive other than her own. She screamed something like, "I got a gun and I'm not afraid to kill you mother**cker!" The scratching stopped.


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About Random Creepiest Things People Who Live In Remote Places Described They’ve Experienced In The Wilderness

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest things people who live in remote places described they’ve experienced in the wilderness. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Things People Who Live In Remote Places Described They’ve Experienced In The Wilderness" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest things people who live in remote places described they’ve experienced in the wilderness shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

People who live in remote areas know that sometimes too much quiet can make your mind race. However, some experiences stick with people long after they occur because of the degree of creepiness. On Reddit, plenty of people who live in rural areas share their scary stories for the rest of us to freak out over.

We know that often strange people linger around woods, parks, and other desolate areas. And we have all heard plenty of the kind of creepy stories that backpackers experience. However, the stories listed below are more than a little unpleasant to read because the people who suffered them weren't just out and about anywhere - they were at their homes.

Imagine living in the woods, and looking up from your bathtub to see a face looking back at you. Or imagine finding someone in your home wearing a pillowcase over their face. The terrifying real-life stories below are the stuff of nightmares.

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