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    An 'Ultima Online' Player Manipulated Players To Death

    An 'Ultima Online' Player Manipulated Players To Death

    [ranking: 11]
    An Ultima Online human character named Belan described herself as a noble looter. She claimed to never directly kill anyone, but she would loot every dead body she came across.
    Turns out she discovered a lot of dead bodies because she had mastery of skills that allowed her to control any wild creature, allowing her to manipulate the deaths of characters in practically any situation. She would then resurrect them and offer to sell them back their own gear for half its worth.

    The Raid At A 'World Of Warcraft' Funeral

    The Raid At A 'World Of Warcraft' Funeral

    [ranking: 1]
    In 2006, a group of players from the Alliance guild Serenity Now decided to raid an in-game funeral taking place in World of Warcraft. Members of a Horde faction planned the ceremony to commemorate the real death of one of their members after a fatal stroke.
    But they conducted the ceremony on a PvP server, making it possible for anyone to kill players in the region.
    This allowed Serenity Now, who learned about the event on the game's official forum, to crash the funeral and massacre everyone in attendance. Even worse, none of the mourners were prepared for trouble because they didn't expect anyone to be so callous.

    'World Of Warcraft' Players Intentionally Spread An Unstoppable Disease

    'World Of Warcraft' Players Intentionally Spread An Unstoppable Disease

    [ranking: 4]
    World of Warcraft provided the backdrop for a major in-world crisis. The ??corrupted blood?? incident stemmed from a system bug that allowed a detrimental effect to make its way outside of the proper area.
    It essentially acted as a disease that would quickly kill players and leave those at a higher fighting level to stay alive.
    Things got worse when some players would purposely contract the disease and then travel to populated areas to intentionally pass it to as many people as possible. This spread of the virtual disease killed thousands of characters and left major WoW cities completely abandoned.

    Players Deliberately Crashed 'RuneScape' For Others

    Players Deliberately Crashed 'RuneScape' For Others

    [ranking: 3]
    After an update to the MMORPG RuneScape in 2009, players learned it was possible to purposely crash another player??s client. This would force them from the game, allowing others to kill their character and steal their gear.
    The problem arose because the game??s public chat feature was unable to render the character ???̡? and would cause a fatal error. Malicious players would turn off their text box so the issue wouldn't affect them, then go to crowded areas and send a public message to everyone nearby.

    A 10-Month Infiltration To Assassinate An 'EVE Online' Guild Leader

    A 10-Month Infiltration To Assassinate An 'EVE Online' Guild Leader

    [ranking: 9]
    EVE Online is practically designed for players to carry out long-term plans and feats of espionage. Players run huge in-game corporations and the rules allow for all sorts of foul play.
    In 2005, a group known as the Guiding Hand Social Club spent 10 months infiltrating the Ubiqua Seraph corporation at the behest of a client. Spies managed to implant themselves in almost every area of the target, and one member was able to gain the trust of the CEO they had been hired to kill. They killed her, destroyed her prized ship, and stole billions of ISK with a real-world value of around $16,500.

    A 'World Of Warcraft' Player Made People Jump Into The Ocean

    A 'World Of Warcraft' Player Made People Jump Into The Ocean

    [ranking: 13]
    Redditor /u/Fly_Eagles_Fly played World of Warcraft as the Undead Shadow Priest. He would climb into a blimp at Orgrimmar and challenge other players to duel once the blimp began moving. He would then cast mind control.
    For the first few seconds, he'd have them dance. Then he'd walk the player to the edge of the blimp and make them jump into the ocean. The player would then have to swim back to shore and wait for another blimp.


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About Random Cruelest, Most Messed Up Things Gamers Have Done To Other Gamers

It's an exciting tool for displaying random cruelest, most messed up things gamers have done to other gamers. We collected a list of "Random Cruelest, Most Messed Up Things Gamers Have Done To Other Gamers" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random cruelest, most messed up things gamers have done to other gamers shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Over the past decade or so, online gaming has become one of the most prominent forms of entertainment within the video game industry. Millions of players flock online to live out the virtual lives of heroes and, of course, the virtual lives of total jerks. The cruel things gamers do to each other makes one wonder why there isn't a whole industry of online assassins for hire to take them out. The many examples of online game heists prove there are those who just want to watch the virtual world burn.

These people add an extra dimension to online games that most would never consider. The world of online gaming trolls and bullies is as dark as those in the real world. But these aren't always mindless jerks who are taking a chance to cause grief. Some are sophisticated and evil planners. Here are some of the most messed up stuff gamers have done to other players.

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