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About Random Dumbest (but Most Amazing) Karl Pilkington Quotes Ever

It's an exciting tool for displaying random dumbest (but most amazing) karl pilkington quotes ever. We collected a list of "Random Dumbest (but Most Amazing) Karl Pilkington Quotes Ever" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random dumbest (but most amazing) karl pilkington quotes ever shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

For those of you who haven’t been introduced to Karl Pilkington, he began his career as the often put-upon producer and sidekick to Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant on their XFM radio program. Along the way he’s become somewhat of a star in his own, right thanks to the absolutely genius Karl Pilkington quotes that have managed to worm their way into the brains of listeners.

After the program ended, Karl Pilkington weird man that he is, got his own travel show, An Idiot Abroad, and began to go around the world and applying his odd wit and wisdom to everything from the pyramids to magnets, and even the alphabet. To learn something about the world from Karl Pilkington funny man abroad, check out this list of the simultaneously dumbest, most amazing, and strangely insightful Karl Pilkington quotes ever.

To say that these are Karl Pilkington stupid quotes would be to minimize the strange logic that exists in everything the man says. Whether he’s waxing philosophic about pasta, or thinking about life, Karl is able to get to the heart of the matter in a way that no intellectual can. For a bit of positive reaffirmation, take a look at this list of Karl Pilkington funny quotes and laugh out loud while you contemplate life, the universe, and whatever.

Vote up your favorite Pilkingtonism, and if you’ve been able to use one of his many wise thoughts to help you through a difficult point in your life – tell the world about it in the comments.

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