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Random Earth Factsreport

  •  Without significant action, by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by weight.[Earth]

  •  Because earthquake-prone Japan had placed high-tech sensors around the country after its 1995 quake, Japan’s 2011 earthquake is the best-recorded earthquake in history.[Earthquakes]

  •  A massive 8.8 earthquake in Chile moved the city of Concepción 10 feet to the west on February 27, 2010. This quake also shortened Earth's day and slightly changed  the rotation of the planet.[Earthquakes]

  •  In Japan mythology, a giant catfish called Namazu is responsible for earthquakes.[Earthquakes]

  •  An earthquake can release hundreds times more energy than the nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in Japan in 1945.[Earthquakes]

  •  The highest tsunami caused by an earthquake happened in Japan in 1771. A tsunami 278 feet (85 meters) high struck Ishigaki Island.[Earthquakes]

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