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    Pop music, Rock music, Electronic music

    Lady Gaga

    [ranking: 21]
    Pop music, Rock music, Electronic music

    Hip hop music, Pop music, Contemporary R&B


    [ranking: 18]
    Hip hop music, Pop music, Contemporary R&B

    Pop music, Operatic pop, Rhythm and blues

    Melis Bilen

    [ranking: 59]
    Pop music, Operatic pop, Rhythm and blues

    Pop music, Teen pop, Contemporary R&B

    Justin Bieber

    [ranking: 42]
    Pop music, Teen pop, Contemporary R&B

    Fred Astaire

    [ranking: 11]

    Hip hop music, Dance-pop, Contemporary R&B

    Bobby Brown

    [ranking: 39]
    Hip hop music, Dance-pop, Contemporary R&B


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About Random Greatest Dancing Singers

It's an exciting tool for displaying random greatest dancing singers. We collected a list of "Random Greatest Dancing Singers" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random greatest dancing singers shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

We know them for their lyrical talent (or lack of) but the real question is, can they bust a move? The best singers aren't always the best performers, especially on the dance floor. So this is your chance to rank who music's best movers and groovers are. In all genres in music's history, the most rhythmic dancer in music will be decided based on how everyone votes.

Michael Jackson was as famous for his dancing moves as he was for his record-breaking hits. And icon Prince made a name for himself with his risque, but incredibly talented stage antics. And with the recent revolution of the viral video, wonders such as Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus have become infamous for their signature moves. Love 'em or hate 'em, they got your attention!

Here you have the chance to vote on the best musical celebrity dancers. 

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