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    Fashion designer, Businessperson, Film Producer

    John Malkovich

    [ranking: 170]
    Fashion designer, Businessperson, Film Producer

    Spokesperson, Musician, Film Producer

    Jeff Bridges

    [ranking: 32]
    Spokesperson, Musician, Film Producer

    Painter, Businessperson, Guitarist

    Jared Leto

    [ranking: 130]
    Painter, Businessperson, Guitarist

    Actor, Music video director

    Heath Ledger

    [ranking: 65]
    Actor, Music video director

    Comedian, Television producer, Film Producer

    Vince Vaughn

    [ranking: 115]
    Comedian, Television producer, Film Producer


    Humphrey Bogart

    [ranking: 35]


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About Random Greatest Male Celebrity Role Models

It's an exciting tool for displaying random greatest male celebrity role models. We collected a list of "Random Greatest Male Celebrity Role Models" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random greatest male celebrity role models shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Male celebrities as role models... what are we looking for? Maybe someone who knows how to lead, be a good team member, or handle themselves in high stress situations. Celebrity role models for boys are not as hard to come by as you might think. Sure, there are your tiger blood guzzling crazy types, or butt-pinching Broadway theatre goers. There’s plenty of bad behavior once one achieves fame and fortune. Still, there’s always time for a second chance.

Lest we forget, Robert Downey Jr. used to be a hot mess and even went to prison. Now? He’s one of the more solid celebrity role models for boys because his story shows redemption and hope. There’s the nice guy (Chris Pratt), the stand-up guy (Nick Offerman), and celebrities as role models so cool you want to hang out with them all the time guy, like Dave Grohl and Keanu Reeves. There are the obvious old timers like John Goodman and Jeff Bridges. There’s the nice playboy (George Clooney). And then there’s the king of the actor role models, everyman Bill Murray.

Sure, everyone has feet of clay and no one on this list of celebrity role models is perfect. They are, however, artist and actor role models who have managed to not completely set their lives on fire, or if they have, have weathered the storm and have insight to share.

Which musician or actor role model is your money riding on? Which actor role model would you recommend to your child? Have a beer with? Watch the game? Have bail you out of jail? Vote up the best celebrities as role models below, or add the men you find positive and inspiring, and set an example for all.

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