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    Some... Thing

    Some... Thing

    [ranking: 14]
    My friend posted this picture on Facebook asking people which colour paint they preferred. We weren't expecting something in the window...

    In the Middle of the Ocean

    In the Middle of the Ocean

    [ranking: 12]
    My brother is in the middle of the ocean on the Research Vessel Knorr. The crew is frequently visited by a ghost. Last night they finally got two pictures of it and he just emailed them to me. He said he was on the bridge and heard the screams!

    Just the Two of Them

    Just the Two of Them

    [ranking: 11]
    My friend took this picture of his cousin in their new house. He says it was just the two of them there but that's not what it looks like.

    Little Ghost Girl

    Little Ghost Girl

    [ranking: 5]
    Email from my dad, his friends's neighbor has had several sightings of a little ghost girl. You can see her face in the bookcase by the chair.

    I Thought the Vegetation Looked Eerie

    I Thought the Vegetation Looked Eerie

    [ranking: 13]
    I took this pic with my digital camera near a residential rental in Hidden Hills Ca. This was a chance photo. I took picture because I thought the vegetation looked eerie. This is what appeared when I viewed picture. Even though I believe in the existence of ghosts, I still found myself scrutinizing the photo, trying to find some logical explanation for what I saw. I didn't believe the color would be so vibrant there are also a few other anomalies that appear a floating head and some type of old west mountain man.
    Yeah, like I was saying, when I looked back at the vegetation there were no red and blue or bright white that I could have mistaken for the clothing. I welcome your comments and opinions regarding this pic or contact me if you have any questions pertaining to picture thank you. (If you use the head of the ghost as center clock for reference, at the 8:00 clock position you'll see that mountain man, and above his head almost to the top slightly left is a floating head of an old man.

    Strange Things Happen

    Strange Things Happen

    [ranking: 4]
    Received this picture from a friend who's roommate has suspected the house she lived in with her ex-husband was haunted. Strange things would happen downstairs, but nothing that left them feeling they were in danger. Her ex sent her this picture. What is the shadow in the right?


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About Random Haunting Photos That Prove Ghosts Are Real

It's an exciting tool for displaying random haunting photos that prove ghosts are real. We collected a list of "Random Haunting Photos That Prove Ghosts Are Real" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random haunting photos that prove ghosts are real shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.
Many of the ghost photos I posted in my list of the Creepiest Real Ghost Pictures are ancient classics as old as photography itself. Development errors and glitches aside, some of those pictures have been scanned and touched up so many times that it's hard to tell where the original ended and ghost hunters began. But it's still possible to find unedited, unfiltered, unadulterated photographs that suggest ghost activities. I've scoured the subreddit /r/paranormal as well as the forums of ParanormalSoup to find the best recent photographs of ghosts. I've also provided the sources so you can follow up and see for yourself. What do you think? Are these real ghost photos? You be the judge.

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