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Random Jokesreport

Get random joke(s) from the funniest 5000 jokes.
  • random joke 1

     1. Wearing shades inside makes me look cool, right? *Trips over the cat*

  • random joke 2

     2. A man visits the doctor... ...who says to him "*Okay, Sir, I think you're going to have to stop masterbating"* *"But why, Doc?*" the man replies. "*Because this is the waiting room*".

  • random joke 3

     3. What is a pirates favorite article of clothing? His sc*aaarrrr*f Edit: I get it guys, you all have better punchlines than me.

  • random joke 4

     4. Archaeologists digging in Egypt have found a Mummy embalmed with chocolate and hazlenuts It's believed to be a Pharaoh Rocher

  • random joke 5

     5. I had an addiction to soap... but thanks to some dirty bastards stealing all of it, I am clean now.

  • random joke 6

     6. Italian restaurant. I went to my local Italian restaurant last night, but there was a large fat woman standing at the entrance. I couldn't get pasta.

  • random joke 7

     7. Donald Trump wants to become President This is not the first time he has tried to kick a black family out of their home. Credit : Snoop Dogg

  • random joke 8

     8. Why is Diarrhea hereditary? it runs in your genes.

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About Random Jokes Tool

Do you often read jokes? Will you joke with your family and friends? Do you want some random jokes to kill time when boring? Worried to the jokes are not funny? We collected the most funny 230000 jokes, these jokes are voted out by people, these jokes cover a lot of topics, such as Christmas, math, characters, history, mathematics, etc. There are many suitable for children and many suitable for adults. If you don’t find one you like, you just need to refresh, and you can also search for jokes that contain specific keywords. This page generates 8 jokes each time by default, and click the Refresh button to get 8 new ones.

In the meantime, you can generate interesting jokes in the specified amount. We added a small feature, click the joke text with the mouse, it will automatically select the appropriate text, this is a convenient copy tool.

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