Random Koala Facts | Best Random Tools

Random Koala Factsreport

  •  Koalas began to evolve almost 45 million years ago, right around the time Australia detached from Antartica and began to move north.[koala]

  •  Koalas eat only eucalyptus leaves and spend most of their lives on the branches of these trees.[koala]

  •  Koalas need about 100 trees each in order to survive, which means that even though they aren’t being hunted as they once were, their population is decreasing as the forests that make up their homes disappear.[koala]

  •  Some koala populations have had chlamydia infection rates as high as 100%.[koala]

  •  Koalas have fingerprints and are the only mammal, apart from humans and chimpanzees, to have them.[koala]

  •  A baby koala is called a joey.[koala]

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