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    Inspiring Quotes

    Inspiring Quotes

    [ranking: 10]
    The last thing we want to see when we open Instagram is an a quote written on a sandwich board, a Starbucks wrapper, or (heaven forbid) in your phone's notepad. In fact, if we see one more inspiring quote we're going to jump off a bridge made of pumpkin spice lattes.

    Looking Up at Buildings

    Looking Up at Buildings

    [ranking: 20]
    We're not sure what so many Instagram users are trying to say by posting photos of buildings from the ground. "To our architecture we are but ants"? "What a nice pile of bricks"? "I went to art school"? There's no way to know. 

    The Mirror Selfie

    The Mirror Selfie

    [ranking: 7]
    Yo. We know what you look like, we don't need to see your duck face in reverse.

    The Mighty Wing of an Airplane

    The Mighty Wing of an Airplane

    [ranking: 13]
    It's the 21st century, we've all been in an airplane. But good for you, getting that sweet seat right on the wing!

    Outfit of the Day

    Outfit of the Day

    [ranking: 5]
    Everyone has an outfit of the day. Do you want to see your chic sweatpants and flip flops ensemble?

    Hot Dog Legs

    Hot Dog Legs

    [ranking: 3]
    We don't want to look at your filtered legs hanging out at the beach while we're in an office bored out of our minds. How about a #nofilter shot of you working for once?


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About Random Most Annoying Instagram Cliches

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most annoying instagram cliches. We collected a list of "Random Most Annoying Instagram Cliches" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most annoying instagram cliches shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

It’s the 21st century, and everyone is on their phones all the time. Look out your window, everything that you see has been Instagrammed. See that dog? It’s on Instagram. That stop sign? You better believe it’s on Instagram, with the Valencia filter. Despite all the same-looking stuff that’s on the smartphone photo app, there are SO MANY clichés that won’t die no matter how many times we pray for their quick deaths. Take a break from scrolling through your phone for a few minutes, and enjoy this definitive list of the most annoying Instagram clichés.

Here are some photos that aren’t over done on Instagram: car crashes, people doing jumping jacks, chain fights, high five parties, space ship fires. Those are the things that should be clogging out Instagram feeds, not garbage like cupcakes and sunsets and inspirational quotes. Seriously, if we see another sunset on Instagram we’re going to throw our phones in the river while screaming into the ether. That probably won’t help anything, but it might feel good.

If you go through this list of annoying Instagram clichés that you are just plain sick of seeing all over your social media feeds, know that you have the power to make change. Upvote the worst kinds of Instagram pictures and help show the Instagram community that you are just plain sick of seeing vignettes of airplane wings and legs that are maybe hot dogs.

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