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    Bird of Paradise Slingshot

    Bird of Paradise Slingshot

    [ranking: 15]
    The Consumer Products Safety Commission was made for toys just like this one. There actually was a time when toys were only considered dangerous if they were comprised of dangerous substances.
    These slingshots just launched "razor-sharp" projectiles across the room. What could go wrong? 

    CSI: Investigation Forensics Lab Kit

    CSI: Investigation Forensics Lab Kit

    [ranking: 11]
    Sometimes, the crime scene you have to investigate... is the crime scene investigation kit.
    *Takes off sunglasses*
    These kits were found to have asbestos. They contained as much as seven percent tremolite, in their finger printing kits, a problem because of the obvious cancer risk here. 

    Aqua Dots

    Aqua Dots

    [ranking: 5]
    These dots, when sprinkled with water, would glue together into any shape your mind could come up with. Cute, colorful, fun, right? Except that they were toxic when ingested and the glue actually metabolized into gamma-hydroxybutyrate. GHB is the drug slipped into the drinks of unsuspecting individuals to knock them out.
    Kids were ingesting this chemical from their toys and these things are still on the shelves.

    Creepy Crawlers

    Creepy Crawlers

    [ranking: 6]
    ToyMax's Creepy Crawlers had numerous hazards that completely negated its charm. Super hot trays of plastic to easily burn children? Check. Imminent fire hazard? Check. Plastic-y staining goop the consistency of syrup? Check.
    Oh, and the fumes emitted while mixing all these charming ingredients were toxic.

    Zulu Blow Gun

    Zulu Blow Gun

    [ranking: 10]
    This list could have been solely comprised of small item choking hazards in children's toys. But this one takes the cake. 
    The entire purpose of the blow gun is to stick the tube in your mouth and blow. However, if you inhale first, then you risk inhaling the darts or projectile objects into your mouth. The entire concept of this toy seems like a bad idea. 

    Easy-Bake Oven

    Easy-Bake Oven

    [ranking: 13]
    Any combination of children and ovens seems dangerous. However, one version of the Easy Bake Oven was especially violent. It was the pink and purple version, modeled after a kitchen stove. The way it was set up caused children's fingers to get caught, trapped, then burned on the heating coils.


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About Random Most Dangerous Toys Ever Made

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most dangerous toys ever made. We collected a list of "Random Most Dangerous Toys Ever Made" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most dangerous toys ever made shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Every year tens of thousands of kids are injured by consumer-tested toys. Numerous reports make it an exhaustive effort for various agencies to contend with the issue of toy safety.

When you think of classic toys from your childhood or your parents' childhood, you realize some of them were insanely dangerous (a few of those make the list here) but we haven't learned our lesson from toys. In fact, it seems like we're inventing new and more creative ways to make them dangerous.

 In 2012, an estimated 265,000 children were treated for toy-related injuries in emergency rooms. This doesn't even include the number of adults who were injured after playing with toys not meant to accommodate their size and weight. Toys can be dangerous, toys can be deadly. Read on and see what toys with which you are familiar that made this list. 

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