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    Deuteronomy 17:12

    Deuteronomy 17:12

    [ranking: 9]
    Historical Context: Priests were God's disciples. To question that put everything in jeopardy.
    A Conservative Reading: Your Priest knows more than you do. Listen to his advice.
    A Liberal Reading: Seek the advice and the guidance of the learned. Their wisdom is a blessing.

    Deuteronomy 25:11-12

    Deuteronomy 25:11-12

    [ranking: 7]
    Historical Context: Adultery was very bad at the time. This is a preemptive measure.
    A Conservative Reading: Keep your hands to yourself.
    A Liberal Reading: Violence is never the answer. Sexual violence is never to be tolerated.

    Leviticus 19:27

    Leviticus 19:27

    [ranking: 18]
    Historical Context: Causing self harm is bad. Back then, shaving involved lots of cuts and bloodshed. This was meant to stop self harm.
    A Conservative Perspective: Do not cause harm to your body in a way that isn't true to what God intended your body to be.
    A Liberal Perspective: Do not feel you need to conform to others if it means harming yourself or your body.

    Proverbs 22:14

    Proverbs 22:14

    [ranking: 20]
    Historical Context: Adultery was considered a cardinal sin. It was a violation of love, family, and business.
    A Conservative Reading: One who commits adultery is on a sinful path. Stop sin before it starts.
    A Liberal Reading: If someone has a problem, then its important to seek guidance before it deepens.

    Leviticus 20:13

    Leviticus 20:13

    [ranking: 4]
    Historical Context: Pagan Canaanites indulged in homosexual sex. The Canaanites were the Hebrew's enemies, and as a result many Canaanite practices were deemed contemptible.
    A Conservative Reading: God intended men to sleep with women. For a man to sleep with a man is against what God created and God doesn't make mistakes.
    A Liberal Reading: There are no Canaanites, society has changed, and now that homosexuality is understood to be biological, this should be thrown out like many other outdated bible verses.

    Exodus 23:23

    Exodus 23:23

    [ranking: 11]
    Historical Context: There were many nonbelievers at the time. The Hebrews were a minority. This basically said, "trust me as God."
    A Conservative Perspective: Those who do not accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior will see God's judgement. Only God can judge.
    A Liberal Perspective: It's important to respect those who are different than you. It's not up to you who lives and dies, that's God. What God wants people to do is love thy neighbor.


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About Random Most WTF Bible Verses

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most wtf bible verses. We collected a list of "Random Most WTF Bible Verses" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most wtf bible verses shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Love thy neighbor, may he who is without sin cast the first stone, do not judge lest ye be judged yourself - the Bible certainly has some great advice for Christians and anyone trying to be their best self. There are, however, some verses that make you say "whaaaa?" What are the most controversial and contentious verses in the Bible?

Without context, many Bible verses seem to condone awful practices. Rape? Slavery? Killing a woman for speaking out of turn? These horrific acts are allowed?

This list of startling and confusing Bible verses is meant to give guidance on what these controversial Bible passages mean and how they've been interpreted over the years. Also, like with anything, context is important, and this list includes historical context for what was going on at the time the Bible was written.

With that said, some of these passages are still pretty messed up. Vote up the Bible verses and quotes you think are the most controversial. Thank God not everything in life is meant to be taken literally. Then, thank God, literally, because if there's one thing the Bible is very clear about is that God deserves all the thanks in the world.

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