Random Phrases | Best Random Tools

Random Phrasesreport

  • random phrase 1

    Out of sorts

    Meaning: Mildly unwell; not in one's usual health or state of mind.

  • random phrase 2

    The short end of the stick

    Meaning: To get the short end of the stick is to come off worst in a bargain or contest.

  • random phrase 3

    Cheek by jowl

    Meaning: Side by side; in close or intimate proximity

  • random phrase 4

    Raise Cain

    Meaning: To be 'raising Cain' is to be causing trouble or creating an uproar.

  • random phrase 5

    Thumbs up

    Meaning: A sign of acceptance, approval or encouragement, made with closed fingers and the thumb extended upwards.

  • random phrase 6

    Know your onions

    Meaning: To be experienced in or knowledgeable about a subject.

New Random Phrases

About Random Phrases Tool

In common usage, a phrase is usually a group of words with a special idiomatic meaning or other meanings, which may be an idiom, proverb, or saying. Because of its general characteristics, it is often used daily.

If you are learning phrases, the random phrase tool on this page is just what you need.

We have collected more than 1800 commonly used phrases, often appearing in various scenes of our lives. It is effortless to use this random phrase tool. This page displays six phrases by default. You can use the generator at the top of the page to input the number of phrases to generate. You can generate up to 50 random phrases at a time or directly refresh the button to obtain six new random phrases.

What can this random phrase tool do?

1. It can be used as a learning tool, especially for students or international students who are learning English. Because we collect the most commonly used phrases, and this page will randomly display some phrases each time, you can try to remember them first and then test which phrases you have known by refreshing.

2. As an inspiration tool, you must be more creative if you are writing. When you feel that the story is difficult to continue, it is better to choose a random phrase as a reference to continue the next plot.

3. As the topic of conversation, yes, you can also see that many phrases are fascinating, such as "kick the bucket," which first appeared in slang dictionary hundreds of years ago to mean "One Bolsover having hung himself from a beam while standing on a pay, or bucket, kicked this vessel away in order to try into future and it was all UP with him from that moment: Finis," This can be used as an interesting trivia fact or chat topic.

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