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Random Sentences In Spanishreport

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  • Algunos pacientes han manifestado reacciones alérgicas, dolor de cabeza y trastornos estomacales (dispepsia).

    translation: Some patients have displayed allergic reactions, headache, and stomach disturbances (dyspepsia).

  • No hay ninguna distinción fundamental entre lo absoluto y el mundo manifestado.

    translation: There is no fundamental distinction between the absolute and the manifested world.

  • Muchas víctimas y familiares de víctimas se han manifestado en este sentido.

    translation: Many victims and relatives of victims have spoken out in this regard.

  • Tomo nota de las opiniones que se han manifestado aquí.

    translation: I have taken cognisance of the opinions expressed here.

  • El poder manifestado vendrá a través de las personas.

    translation: The manifested power will come through people.

  • Yo apoyo firmemente lo que ha manifestado la Sra. Gradin.

    translation: I emphatically support what Mrs Gradin has said.

  • Texas y otros cuatro estados se han manifestado en contra de las normas.

    translation: Texas and four other states have decided against the standards.

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About Random Sentences In Spanish Tool

On this page, you can get Spanish sentences randomly. We have collected more than 1,200,000Spanish sentences, which contain almost all Spanish words. This page displays 6 sentences randomly by default. You can see the English translation for each Spanish sentence. Using the generator at the top of the page, you can also generate a specified number of sentences containing specified words.

It's a great language tool that can help you learn Spanish, or review words you've learned and how to express sentences. So far we have collected Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Russian. If you want to add more sentences in other languages, please feel free to contact us.

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