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    Nice Wordplay

    Nice Wordplay

    [ranking: 1]

    Well, Go On

    Well, Go On

    [ranking: 5]

    Probably on That Chair Covered In Clothes

    Probably on That Chair Covered In Clothes

    [ranking: 18]

    I'm in Ur Venues, Doin Ur Coke

    I'm in Ur Venues, Doin Ur Coke

    [ranking: 25]

    Who Needs Maury

    Who Needs Maury

    [ranking: 7]

    Oh God...

    Oh God...

    [ranking: 10]


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About Random Trashiest Tweets Ever Posted on Twitter

It's an exciting tool for displaying random trashiest tweets ever posted on twitter. We collected a list of "Random Trashiest Tweets Ever Posted on Twitter" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random trashiest tweets ever posted on twitter shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Who doesn't love to read funny Twitter posts? Twitter has given everyone in the world with a cell phone or an Internet connection a way to broadcast any old thought or photo to the entire world. Unlike Facebook, where people are simply annoying their friends and family, Twitter broadcasts your every thought to the world using hashtags and trending topics.

Still, people seem to think that their posts are private, and that nobody will find the misspelled outburst, picture of a bad tattoo, or admission of drug use that they posted. Luckily some Internet heroes know when to hit the screenshot button, nab that funny twitter status and share the trashiest tweets they find with the world. Every possible grammar mistake, social faux pas, and baby-daddy related drama is exhibited here. Their trashiness and mistakes are our entertainment. Check out the weirdest, trashiest and most ridiculous posts Twitter has to offer.

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