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    Found A Dollar

    Found A Dollar

    [ranking: 8]
    From a former Redditor:
    Kent, TX is another one. There's an old Chevron station I think it is, seems like FedEx drivers like stopping in there in droves. I'm guessing it's a popular drop and hook point for them or something. But I stop one day, and I need to take a [pee]. I don't know why I didn't stop in Van Horn. So I pull off, and I roll up to the empty lot across the street. Kent is an abandoned town. I walk up to the bush line and notice a makeshift firepit. The wood is somewhat burned, but not all the way. The weird thing is that there's an unscathed dollar bill stuck in the wood. For a second I was like "Ooo piece of candy!" but then this sudden feeling of NOPE came over me. So I left it alone and [peed] in the bush. As I'm walking back, I look over at it and get a real negative feeling. I look to the ground in front of me and bam, there's a rattlesnake looking right at me. I stop dead in my tracks, and walk carefully around it, and it keeps staring at me. I ran as fast as I could back to my truck feeling like somebody was behind me. I kicked up a lot of dust getting out of there, and have never stopped in Kent since.

    Disappearing War Hero

    Disappearing War Hero

    [ranking: 2]
    From a former Redditor:
    My first couple years I was a night driver, so it was hard to see things sometimes. But the one in PA was me trying to follow a flatbedder who was haulin serious [butt] through the mountains. At one point I start to fall back because I can feel the van starting to lean. It wasn't long after that I reach down to take a swig off the handy monster I had, and I look up, and there's a guy standing off to the shoulder just outside the tree line wearing what appeared to be some type of soldier's uniform. Looked like revolutionary war era, he had a musket as well. As I approach, I can see him staring right at me, and then he starts walking back into the tree line still looking at me. Before he manages to make it through the trees, he disappears. Like literally vanishes in thin air. I had my windows down, and the air in the area got real cold. After about a mile, the air warmed up again. I had a really sad feeling come over me for a while afterward. Needless to say, I didn't stop for the rest of my shift.

    Mysterious Fireball

    Mysterious Fireball

    [ranking: 11]
    From Redditor /u/SIOS:
    Trucker here. A few years back, I was traveling through Ute native land in New Mexico on Highway 491. 491 used to be Route 666, but they changed it a few years back. I think people were stealing the signs. Anyways, I'm in the middle of the desert around midnight, no lights or civilization for miles, when up in the sky there's a huge, orange flash. The orange flash quickly "inflated" into a giant ball, bigger than the sun. It even had a fiery looking texture to it. Suddenly, the orange ball disappeared, and the entire desert sky, horizon to horizon, flashed a bright yellow, lighting up the everything around me like it was daytime. Then everything went back to normal. This all happened within a few seconds, but it was definitely the weirdest thing I've seen on the road.

    The Silent Thief

    The Silent Thief

    [ranking: 12]
    From Redditor /u/Leotton:
    Not me but . . . a friend of mine told me a story when he was driving a truck from the US into Canada. He usually carries a gun of some kind, but could not take one into Canada. So one night in Canada, he wakes up to a guy in his truck. The guy looks right at him and stairs at my friend without saying a word. The guy shows my friend that he has a machete, and then goes back to looking though my friends stuff. Even though my friend could not carry a gun into Canada he was allowed a flare gun. My friend pulls out the flare gun and points it at the guy robbing him. The guy slowly get out of the truck, then takes off running away from the truck. 

    A Smile Of Joy

    A Smile Of Joy

    [ranking: 6]
    From Redditor /u/Geoffreypjs: 
    My brother is a trucker, and a while ago near where we live, a trucker he knew was driving down a two-lane rural road at night/late evening and got a call in on the CB about a guy purposefully driving towards oncoming traffic in an area near him, and to keep an eye out for him. Eventually, he sees a car coming towards him, sure enough, weaving in and out of traffic trying to run into people. The people are dodging him left and right, and right as he gets in front of the semi, the trucker saw the guy smiling in his headlights because he knew he was going to finally die.
    The trucker was hurt bad (I think he lived through it, but I'm not 100% sure, now that I think about it. My brother told me this a few years ago), but the guy who ran into him for sure died. He'd been trying to kill himself that way for a while. Scary stuff.

    Lost Time

    Lost Time

    [ranking: 7]
    From a former Redditor:
    New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah are some states that to this day, I still see sh*t in the skies that I can't explain. Lights rapidly changing direction and taking off at blinding speeds, but no sound barrier being broken. I've seen lights hovering over the desert several miles off the interstate, then it suddenly takes off and the lights cut out. Various shapes and sizes from what I can make out (again, night driver). I know military aircraft pretty well, and some of them more than likely were, but some of them absolutely can not be any military air craft currently in mainstream use. Conventional aircraft do not move like that. The most vivid one would be at an off ramp in New Mexico, I stopped to take a [pee]. And decided to turn it into a 15 minute break since my [butt] was sore anyway. As I'm stargazing and admiring how clear the sky is, I saw what looked like a formation of lights in the shape of a triangle lift off from the desert floor, and then take off into the sky. I kept me eyes on it, and it just kept gaining altitude until the lights just disappeared. I look down at my watch and notice it's not ticking, so I pull out my phone and it's off. I turn my phone on, and according to the time on my phone, it had been 5 minutes since my watch stopped. I felt like whatever it was that just took off had something to do with it.


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It's an exciting tool for displaying random truckers describe the creepiest thing they've seen. We collected a list of "Random Truckers Describe The Creepiest Thing They've Seen" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random truckers describe the creepiest thing they've seen shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.
A life on the road, hauling cargo from city to city, can be a lonely one. It can also be dangerous and, sometimes, downright terrifying. Take it from these truckers, who took to Reddit and shared some of their eeriest, most bizarre, and unexplainable experiences while traveling highways all over the world. Here is a compilation of the best of those tales, gathered from two separate discussion threads (here and here).

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