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    Lance's Pok??mon From Silver/Gold Were Radioactive

    Lance's Pok??mon From Silver/Gold Were Radioactive

    [ranking: 11]
    Reddit user pepetrillvia may have cracked the code on how Lance from Heart Gold/Soul Silver had three Dragonites at level 50, when Dragonair doesn't evolve until level 55. The short version is that "Lance had three Dragonairs before going to the Lake of Rage and the radio broadcast forced them into evolving early." 

    Ash Isn't Pikachu's First Trainer

    Ash Isn't Pikachu's First Trainer

    [ranking: 5]
    Reddit user Oufour put together a very detailed and well-sourced theory on why Pikachu likely had another trainer before Ash. Think about it - they have a rocky start because Pikachu is too unruly for him to train. Pikachu has a unique Pok?? Ball that fans rarely see because someone must have let him roam free all the time, which is why he's always out walking around with the gang.
    The list goes on, but the community seems to agree this one's pretty likely. 

    So, In All The Pok??mon Games, Where's Your Dad?

    So, In All The Pok??mon Games, Where's Your Dad?

    [ranking: 8]
    Countless theories have been made about who your father is and why he's never present in any of the Pok??mon games. Reddit user redhare87 thinks everyone is trying too hard. If you put yourself in the shoes of a 10-year-old Japanese child, it all makes perfect sense:
    "For instance, the perennial question of Pok??mon is just where the hell is the main character's dad? Theories abound, but quite simply, he's probably just a salaryman and your mom's a housewife. A salaryman will work 6 days a week for crazy long hours, sometimes having to work half the country away [and] only come home on holidays. Seems simple to a Japanese kid that your dad's just a salaryman."

    Charizard Permanently Scarred Some Of Ash's Pok??mon

    Charizard Permanently Scarred Some Of Ash's Pok??mon

    [ranking: 4]
    Reddit user friendlyteddie has a theory on why Ash's Squirtle and Bulbasaur never evolve. The Redditor speculates that after Squirtle and Bulbasaur see Charmander rapidly evolve into Charizard in the span of a few episodes, the water and grass type are shocked to see their fire type friend change so much. friendlyteddie writes:
    "[Charizard] no longer obeys Ash, even going so far as to physically harm him. I believe that after seeing this, both Squirtle and Bulbasaur were traumatized, believing that evolution would completely change them, and possibly cause them to hate their friends and trainer. As a result, they make an agreement between the two of them that neither would evolve, hence they live the rest of their lives in their base forms."

    Mew Is An Average Of All Existing Pok??mon, And That's Where His Name Comes From

    Mew Is An Average Of All Existing Pok??mon, And That's Where His Name Comes From

    [ranking: 6]
    OK, this one is pretty nerdy, even by nerd standards. Reddit user Dinomaparty has a theory on Mew's name and origin.
    "In statistics the population mean (the average) is given the Greek symbol Mu (??), which is pronounced very similar to Mew. The definition of the average is the sum of all the values in the population divided by the number of values in the population. This means that when you include all possible values the average will be the number which shows the central tendency. Now, Mew is said to contain the DNA of all other Pok??mon in its body, but by itself, it's not particularly strong.
    It could be possible that Mew actually represents the average Pok??mon from which all other Pok??mon are derived. Just like how the Mu contains all possible values, Mew contains DNA from all Pokemon."

    Haunter Killed Misty

    Haunter Killed Misty

    [ranking: 13]
    Reddit user Spankler did some research and discovered that in practically every Pok??Dex entry, trainers are warned to NEVER let a Haunter lick them, because it will "steal your life away." Well, Ash's Haunter gave Misty a big ol' lickin' in the anime in episode 24, which might explained why she eventually left Ash and Brock behind, to die alone.  


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It's an exciting tool for displaying random utterly bizarre pokémon fan theories. We collected a list of "Random Utterly Bizarre Pokémon Fan Theories" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random utterly bizarre pokémon fan theories shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

The Pokémon franchise has been going strong since the American release of Red and Blue way back in 1998. Since then, the world has seen over six generations of Pokémon, countless remakes, and a grand total of over 800 Pokémon. Launching alongside the Gameboy titles was the critically acclaimed anime, Pokémon: The Original Series. As of July 2017, there have been at least six different generations and fourteen different seasons, totaling almost 1,000 episodes (and counting!). Following the popularity of the games and anime, fourteen different Pokémon films have been made.

With so much media to dig through, it's totally understandable that there are so many Pokémon fan theories and conspiracy theories. So many mysteries remain unsolved, including questions about the original duo, Ash Kethcum and Pikachu! Well, get your tinfoil hats ready, because this list is going to dive into some of the weirdest Pokémon fan theories you've ever heard. 

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