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Random Planetreport

Get random planets from the all the 14 planets in our Solar System
  • random planet 1

    Uranus(Primary) pictures


    Uranus—seventh planet from the Sun—rotates at a nearly 90-degree angle from the plane of its orbit. This unique tilt makes Uranus appear to spin on its side.

  • random planet 2

    Saturn(Primary) pictures


    Adorned with a dazzling, complex system of icy rings, Saturn is unique in our solar system. The other giant planets have rings, but none are as spectacular as Saturn's.

  • random planet 3

    Neptune(Primary) pictures


    Neptune—the eighth and most distant major planet orbiting our Sun—is dark, cold and whipped by supersonic winds. It was the first planet located through mathematical calculations.

  • random planet 4

    Pluto(Dwarf) pictures


    Pluto is a complex world of ice mountains and frozen plains. Once considered the ninth planet, Pluto is the best known of a new class of worlds called dwarf planets.

New Random Planets


About Random Planet Tool

The universe is so mysterious that humans do not yet know how many planets the universe has. According to NASA, there are 14 planets in our home solar system: eight major planets, five dwarf planets, and one hypothetical planet. This page generates 4 new solar system planets randomly each time, and click Refresh button to get 4 new ones. This tool will help you to learn about the 14 planets as well as some planetary games.

In the meantime, you can also generate the planets, just enter the quantity you want to generate. We added a small feature, click the planet text with the mouse, it will automatically select the appropriate text, this is a convenient copy tool.

List of planets in our Solar System:

  1. Mercury(Primary)
  2. Venus(Primary)
  3. Earth(Primary)
  4. Mars(Primary)
  5. Jupiter(Primary)
  6. Saturn(Primary)
  7. Uranus(Primary)
  8. Neptune(Primary)
  9. Pluto(Dwarf)
  10. Ceres(Dwarf)
  11. Makemake(Dwarf)
  12. Haumea(Dwarf)
  13. Eris(Dwarf)
  14. Planet X(Hypothetical)

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