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  • Sōsuke Aizen on Random Evil Anime Villains With The Blackest Hearts

    (#4) Sōsuke Aizen

    • Bleach

    Sōsuke Aizen is one of the most notorious villains in the world of anime, and part of that is because of his dark, evil heart. When he first appears, he seems to a be a loyal member of Soul Society, but he soon reveals that he's been plotting to overthrow it for a long time. He uses a combination of murder and manipulation in order to further his plans and ultimately has no loyalty to anything but his own quest for power.

  • Overhaul - 'My Hero Academia' on Random Evil Anime Villains With The Blackest Hearts

    (#6) Overhaul - 'My Hero Academia'

    Overhaul, also known as Kai Chisaki, is the main villain from Season 4 of My Hero Academia, which means that this entry contains some manga-only spoilers.

    Overhaul is a yakuza boss who initially seeks to forge a partnership with the League of Villains. He introduces himself by blasting Magne to bits and critically injuring Mr. Compress. He believes that quirks originated from rats, and that they're actually disgusting sicknesses rather than something that should be valued. He wants to eliminate quirks from the human population and found the opportunity to do so in Eri, a little girl whose cells could be used to create a quirk destroying drug. The only person he ever showed any concern for was his boss - but while he once eliminated anyone who went against his boss, he put him in a coma himself when he refused to accept Overhaul's plan to use Eri, his granddaughter.

    All in all, the man shows not one iota of remorse for his actions and places little to no value on human life. 

  • Ragyō Kiryūin - 'Kill La Kill' on Random Evil Anime Villains With The Blackest Hearts

    (#11) Ragyō Kiryūin - 'Kill La Kill'

    Ragyō Kiryūin might have awesome rainbow hair, but she's also utterly cold-hearted and cruel. She had three children for the sole purpose of trying to create a human who was infused with alien life fibers. She had no interest in any of them other than in their utility for her project and was happy to attack them when they opposed her. She abandoned Ryuko when she was a baby, then tried to end her life later, manipulated Nui into sacrificing her life for her benefit, and molested Satsuki while attempting to force her into obedience. 

    What, you ask, was all of this for? To help the life fibers destroy and dominate humanity. With no special promise of glory for herself, her actions are not only horrible, they're also utterly baffling. 

  • Shou Tucker on Random Evil Anime Villains With The Blackest Hearts

    (#15) Shou Tucker

    It's probably not a surprise that Shou Tucker is on this list. After all, he's one of the most hated characters in the anime community - and for good reason. Desperate to produce another speaking chimera for his research, he sacrifices his own daughter, Nina, by fusing her with the family dog. It is also revealed that he did the same thing to his wife two years prior. He committed these atrocious crimes against his own family just so he could keep his State Alchemist certification and research privileges.

  • The Major on Random Evil Anime Villains With The Blackest Hearts

    (#7) The Major

    It's kind of hard to get worse than a villain who was hand-picked by Adolph Hitler for the SS, which is part of why the Major is an absolute must for this list. Aside from standard Nazi wrongdoings which in Hellsing are largely focused on Vampirism, the Major adores war. His gleeful grin whenever he sees other people suffering from the horrific torment he orchestrates for them is all the proof anyone needs to that this man is straight up evil. 

  • Tsunenaga Tamaki on Random Evil Anime Villains With The Blackest Hearts

    (#9) Tsunenaga Tamaki

    • Deadman Wonderland

    Tamaki Tsunenaga cares so little about other people that when his own mother was begging for help after being severely injured in an earthquake, all he cared about was protecting his video games. Alongside his father, he created the Deadman Wonderland prison as a real-world game for his amusement. During the game, he pit inmates against one another in horrific deathmatches. Once, when he pit Nagi Kengamine against his pregnant wife, he punished Nagi for throwing the match by slicing open his wife's belly and taking their unborn child as a research subject. The only thing that ever upsets him is when something threatens his sense of fun or ownership over the game - he never spares a thought for the pain he inflicts. 

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About This Tool

Anime, especially teen comics, tend to be filled with villains, but the number of major villains is not high, because a series usually has only about three total villains, although that number rises to the ever-present series. However, when you look at some of the most popular comics and compare the big bad things in these series, it’s easy to see that some are more important than others. So, we’ve compiled a list of some of our main villains from some of the most popular animations of all time, to find out who’s the worst of the worst and who’s the most awesome of the worst.

This randomly generated tool collates 16 entries and collects most of the classic villains from the animated series. Among them are Father, Griffith, Frieza, s Suke Aizen, Dio Brando, etc. 

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