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  • (#13) High school janitor gathers girl's bathroom trash and tries to win a radio contest with it

    "In high school women's bathrooms there are small bins in the stalls for their feminine trash. A coworker of mine filled a bag with bloody trash and brought it to a local radio station for a contest. If you could make the host gag through smell, then you won a prize."
  • (#10) Mall janitor finds dead man lying in his own urine on bathroom floor

    "I was a janitor at a shopping mall for about a month when I was a teen in the late 90s. While cleaning the bathrooms one Saturday I walked in and saw an unconscious older man lying on his back on the floor. It looked like he had been using the urinal and just fell backwards. I left the bathroom and grabbed a security guard. He came in and took one look at the guy and froze. He was dumbfounded, didn't know what to do. I raised my voice for him to call 9-1-1. When the paramedics showed up, one of them asked if I wanted to help by holding his IV bag while they wheeled him out. I asked if the guy was going to make it because he was making groaning sounds. The paramedic said he's already dead but they couldn't pronounce him because they needed a doctor to do it when they got to the hospital. When I got home, later that night, I was pretty shaken up by the experience. My dad, who survived Vietnam, said I was lucky that my first experience with death was such a clean one. He wasn't there, of course, and he didn't hear the body's moans. That was the end of my janitorial career. I felt so bad about a man dying in his own piss, alone, in a strange bathroom that I tried to find out who he was and maybe contact his family. But I eventually gave up that idea when the hospital stonewalled me because I wasn't a family member."
  • (#12) Sex shop janitor mops up every bodily fluid imaginable from private viewing rooms

    "I used to work in a sex shop, the kind of place that has the booths in the back so you could go crank one out or get your peepee tugged by a stranger (mostly older, always sweaty men. Sometimes with a wig!) and live out your dark fantasies. Aside from the usual puddles of cum I'd have to mop up, I'd sometimes have to deal with a bit of sh*t because, as I said, a lot of the clients were older guys and probably couldn't handle the prostate-push when blowing a load. Thus, sh*tty cum messes. Sometimes a stranger would get a bit over-zealous and try to throat someone and barf up lunchy jizz splashes all over the place. There's not enough bleach in the world, folks."
  • (#15) Medical lab clean up means finding random body parts in trash

    "I worked at a hospital as a janitor for a summer. Cleaning the pathology lab was straight up sickening. You never knew what would be sitting out there waiting to greet you: brains, placenta, a leg full of ulcers. Friggin gross.
  • (#14) Hospital janitor cleans human brains out of ambulence

    "I used to work as a janitor in a hospital as a student job and the worst I cleaned up was in the ambulance room. It was a parts of a human brain on the floor, they already had washed up part of it when I arrived!"
  • (#11) Customer poops in restaurant's shop vac; tries to hide it

    "I was a manager at a delicatessen/ restaurant. There was a hallway in the back that led to the bathrooms, but it passed by the office on the way. The door to the office had broken recently and while we were waiting on a new door, we left it open - other than a heavy-duty safe bolted to the floor, there wasn't anything in there that anyone wanted - a few files, some supplies, etc. Also our shop vac.

    At the end of the day, I went back to put money in the safe - there was an odd smell, but being adjacent to the bathrooms I didn't think anything of it. But later someone went to use the shop vac and it smelled horrendous. We opened the top and...

    Apparently, someone went back and both bathrooms were occupied, and they couldn't hold it. The easiest receptacle, we guessed, was the shop vac they spied in the open office. Some one took a diarrhea sh*t in our shop vac.

    We just chucked the thing in the dumpster. None of us were paid enough to deal with that.""

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