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  • (#12) Delivering Pizza To A White Supremacist

    From tof-corey:

    "I was a pizza driver in Springfield, Oregon when I went to school at U of O.

    I had a few late night deliveries to cheap hourly motel rooms where I was sure I was being set up to be mugged. But they all turned out okay.

    My scariest was delivering a pizza to a fat, 6'7" white guy with a huge beard a confederate flag on his wall, a swastika tattoo on his belly, and some other Aryan nation ones on his body. He was wearing tighty-whities flopping out on his sofa.

    It was disturbing."

  • (#1) Too Many Guns, And One Gun Too Soon

    From tacticoolmachinist:

    "I was a driver for Domino's and our store was closing for the night. I was helping out with the closing duties and had just taken out half of the daily trash to the dumpster. When I came back to grab the rest of the trash, I left the side door ajar so I wouldn't have to deal with the keypad with my hands full. Well, a robber decided that was his opportunity to come in and brandish a gun in our faces. The scariest and most vivid moment for me was staring at the ugly brown tile thinking it would be the last thing I ever saw.

    I was given a week off, but when I got back I was still a jumpy wreck for months.

    About three weeks after the robbery, I was at a customer's door when he quickly swung his door open and pointed a pistol in my face, almost touching my forehead. He held it there for about ten hours (two seconds) before exclaiming 'It's just a joke, I thought you were my friends,' and showed me that it was just an airsoft pistol.

    I carried my pistol every single day after the robbery. The guy with the airsoft pistol was super lucky my hands were full of pizza."

  • (#7) Please Ignore The Neighbors

    From giraffedot:

    "I delivered pizza to a pretty dodgy area of town once.

    I'm at the guy's door when their neighbor comes running out of her house and across the lawn. Her dad follows her out screaming, threatening to stab her and throwing stuff, including a knife. The guy I deliver it to says it happens pretty often.

    The walk back to my car was probably the scariest part."

  • (#6) A Delivery For James McCloud

    From H8erRaider:

    "I had a delivery under a mile away for a James McCloud. The name already stood out to me being that it's the father of Fox McCloud in Starfox. The total was just over $20. I arrive knock on the door. He answers completely naked hands me two $20 bills and says 'hope you enjoy the big tip' then does a wiggle to each side so his d*ck slapped each thigh once and closes the door.

    I enjoyed both tips."

  • (#10) The Customer Did Not Expect A Lady

    From rabbitANDme:

    "My first night as a driver, I went to this regular customer's house. She opened the door in a very see-through lingerie slip thing. I'm female and I should point out the drivers we had were exclusively male for about a year up until this day.

    She closed the door very quickly upon seeing me. She reopening it after a minute in a long, fluffy robe that covered all her bits.

    She was not attractive."

  • (#9) Avoid Deliveries To Kampgrounds Of America

    From Cytomorphenstein:

    "I delivered pizzas for a long time in my early 20s in south GA for a local owned pizzeria. It was a great job, I got minimum wage, a two-dollar delivery fee went to me for every delivery, and I got to keep all my tips.

    Scariest experience while doing this? Going to the local Kampgrounds of America campsite and delivering pizza to shirtless people who hung out on the porches of their cabins, smelled like cat piss, and we're visibly armed. Fun fact: heavy meth use or cooking meth results in a cat p*ss smell."

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About This Tool

If you suddenly want to eat Italian sausage pizza or Hawaiian pizza at 2 in the morning, don’t despair and wait until dawn. Just pick up the phone and call the pizza delivery service. Almost all pizzerias open late at night can provide this service. For late-night pizza delivery, location and price are very important. Pizza delivery drivers will be the person you want to see most at late night, but you never know their struggles ever.

Do you often call for pizza delivery at night? Then you must be interested in these late-night horror stories from the pizza delivery drivers, they always bear unimaginable pressure.

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