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  • Pope Paul III Openly Flouted Celibacy While A Young Man on Random Popes Who Didn't Take Celibacy Very Seriously

    (#9) Pope Paul III Openly Flouted Celibacy While A Young Man

    Alessandro Farnese (Pope Paul III) was a member of the wealthy and powerful house of Farnese, an influential Italian family during the Renaissance. His sister Giulia was reportedly the mistress of Pope Alexander VI. Farnese's youthful appointment as a cardinal was the result of this relationship.

    In his youth, Alessandro paid no attention to vows of celibacy, openly having five children with a mistress named Silvia Ruffini. All of these children would be recognized as his offspring and would achieve high positions of nobility in Italian society, most notably his son Pier Luigi Farnese, the first Duke of Parma.

    Although his children would be officially acknowledged in 1513, Farnese broke off his relationship with his mistress when he ascended to the papacy in 1534. As pope, he is most famous for excommunicating Henry VIII and commissioning numerous projects of Michelangelo.

  • Pope Alexander VI Fathered Nine Children on Random Popes Who Didn't Take Celibacy Very Seriously

    (#1) Pope Alexander VI Fathered Nine Children

    Rodrigo de Borja, AKA Pope Alexander VI, brought misconduct within the Catholic Church to unprecedented levels. Connected to the Spanish branch of the powerful Borgia ecclesiastical dynasty, he was appointed a cardinal by his uncle and eventually became the vice-chancellor of the Catholic Church, acquiring tremendous wealth by selling offices and indulgences to the wealthy.

    He didn't even maintain the pretense of celibacy, ultimately acknowledging four children with his upper-class Roman mistress Vannozza Catanei. He had five other children from various other mistresses, children he claimed as nieces or nephews.

    His son Cesare (the model for Machiavelli's The Prince) would resign his cardinalate and marry a French noblewoman. Alexander's daughter Lucrezia would engage in various notorious affairs and three marriages; historical speculation has abounded about her also engaging in intrafamilial relations.

  • Pope John XII Turned The Papal Palace Into A Brothel on Random Popes Who Didn't Take Celibacy Very Seriously

    (#7) Pope John XII Turned The Papal Palace Into A Brothel

    Documented papal sexual misbehavior goes as far back as the 10th century with John XII. Named pope at the age of 18 on December 16, 955, John XII got the appointment through his father, a Roman prince who ruled the city for 20 years. John XII was most likely illegitimate, and because he was both the religious and secular leader of Rome, he ignored celibacy.

    He allegedly engaged in intrafamilial relations and is reputed to have turned the papal palace into a brothel. His passing was rumored to be at the hands of a jealous husband occurred who caught the pope engaging in adultery with his wife.

  • Paul II Allegedly Passed While Sexually Engaged With A Male Page on Random Popes Who Didn't Take Celibacy Very Seriously

    (#2) Paul II Allegedly Passed While Sexually Engaged With A Male Page

    Paul II was a 15th-century pope who was engaged in minor conflicts for his seven-year tenure. Celibacy may have been an issue, as the manner and circumstances of his passing are disputed. Official accounts have him succumbing to heart failure after eating an excessive amount of melon.

    Other accounts, possibly originating with papal enemies, assert that Paul II passed during the intimate act of a young male page entering him from the rear. That he thoroughly enjoyed dressing up in elaborate vestments also contributed to rumors of "effeminacy" and homosexuality.    

  • Sixtus IV Was Embroiled In A Sex And Nepotism Scandal Involving His Nephew on Random Popes Who Didn't Take Celibacy Very Seriously

    (#5) Sixtus IV Was Embroiled In A Sex And Nepotism Scandal Involving His Nephew

    Sixtus IV was another late 15th-century gay pope who flagrantly elevated young, attractive men to positions of authority within the Catholic Church.  His favorite, his nephew Pietro Riario (his sister's son) was made a cardinal in his 20s. Sixtus indulged his profligate relative - who literally wore gold-laden clothes, kept his own mistress, had several hundred servants, and threw parties stocked with young boys and pro street workers that lasted well into the night.

    Although Riario reportedly ran up huge debts at the pope's expense, he passed within three years of his position.

    Sixtus is also said to have given a special dispensation to the College of Cardinals to practice sodomy during the summer months. Although the Sistine Chapel was subsidized by him, Sixtus is remembered historically for deceit, nepotism, and heavy taxation. Classical historian Jacob Burckhardt referred to him as "the terrible Sixtus."

  • Julius III Made His Alleged Commoner Boyfriend A Cardinal on Random Popes Who Didn't Take Celibacy Very Seriously

    (#4) Julius III Made His Alleged Commoner Boyfriend A Cardinal

    Giovanni Ciocchi Del Monte (eventually Julius III) was a pope who ruled for five years in the mid-sixteenth century. Perhaps he is most famous today for creating what was described as one of the most notorious homosexual scandals in the history of the papacy. While still a cardinal, Julius became emotionally involved with Innocenzo, a teenaged, illegitimate son of a beggar-woman. After Julius met him in the streets, he was installed in the household of the cardinal's brother, who adopted him and gave him the family name. One of Julius III's first acts as pope was to appoint Innocenzo a cardinal.

    Although church historians have attempted to label this relationship as strictly platonic, at least one ambassador stated emphatically that Innocenzo "shared the pope's bedroom and bed." Innocenzo was so incompetent that the pope had to create a special office for him with zero responsibility. Because of this appointment, Julius was mocked within Rome and throughout the various courts of Europe, with emissaries noting Innocenzo's coarse background and lack of sophistication.

    Upon Julius III's passing in 1555, his paramour's influence waned. He was eventually incarcerated by papal order after separate incidents involving murder and rape. Although he was still officially a cardinal when he passed in 1577, his memorial was private and unattended. He was buried in an unmarked grave in the Del Monte family chapel in Rome.

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About This Tool

Celibacy is a basic sacred law for the priests of the Catholic Church, and it is even more important for the pope. However, this is not the case for the Anglicans or most of the Eastern Etiquette under the control of the Pope. Whether or not to follow the doctrine of celibacy, popes who have sex scandals and controversies over the celibacy tradition were shameful and guilty in history.

A shocking and distinctive feature of early Christianity was the praise of celibacy. The church preached the practice of abstaining from all sexual relations as a model of faith. However, there are several Popes broken the tradition. The random tool lists 10 Popes in history who did not take celibacy seriously.

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