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  • Their Wingspans Can Stretch Five Feet on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#5) Their Wingspans Can Stretch Five Feet

    Bats come in all shapes and sizes. Larger species are called "Megabats," and they're sizeable. The world's largest bat is the giant golden-crowned flying fox, and it has a wingspan of five feet. This bat is a gentle giant - it typically eats fruit.

  • They Are Incredibly Clean on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#12) They Are Incredibly Clean

    Bats are often thought of as filthy carriers of disease. That's far from the truth - in reality, a bat is no more dirty than the average cat. Like cats, bats lick themselves clean. They are so thorough that they'll even wash behind own ears.

    Bats can carry diseases such as rabies. However, less than a half percent of bats end up with rabies. Humans are far more likely to contract rabies through dogs.

  • They Can Weigh Less Than A Penny on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#11) They Can Weigh Less Than A Penny

    Some bats are absurdly small. The bumblebee bat, which is also known as Kitti's hog-nosed bat, is the world's smallest bat, and also the world's smallest mammal by skull size. This insect-eater can hover just like a bee.

    Just how small do these guys get? The bat is only about an inch in length, so it could easily cling to one of your fingers. It also wouldn't weigh you down too much, considering it weights just two grams. For comparison, a penny weighs 2.5 grams.

  • They Have A Special Way Of Drinking Water on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#16) They Have A Special Way Of Drinking Water

    Bats have a pretty amazing method of drinking water. A bat may use echolocation to sense a large, flat, reflective surface (namely, water) and decide to take a drink. It will dive low over the water's surface, and open its jaw wide. Then, it will take a single mouthful of water before turning sharply back upwards without crashing into the water's surface.

    Staying hydrated can be dangerous: bats have to avoid landing face-first on a metallic object they mistake for a pond, or splashing into the water.

  • They Cuddle While Sleeping on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#8) They Cuddle While Sleeping

    It can get pretty cold in caves at night, and bats don't sleep in nests. They simply hang upside-down, near the rock. To ward off the chill, some bats have developed a technique for keeping each other warm: cuddling. Little brown bats refuse to sleep alone, and will sometimes cuddle up in a massive heap as they drift off.

  • Their Poop Makes Amazing Fertilizer on Random Reasons Why Bats Are Actually Totally Badass

    (#15) Their Poop Makes Amazing Fertilizer

    Farmers frequently use dung from chickens, cows, or other animals to encourage their crops to grow. Bat poop, though, might be the best fertilizer of all. Bat guano improves soil texture, and has microbes that help encourage plant growth. It also contains large volumes of nitrogen, which promotes rapid, steady growth in plants.

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Due to the harsh living environment in the wild nature, wild animals generally carry viruses. It is well known that bats are the only mammals capable of flying in nature, and they carry hundreds of viruses, such as the scary SRSA virus. This is also an important reason why humans hate and fear bats so much. Bats have existed on the earth for millions of years, and are one of the most widely distributed and most evolved mammalian groups in the world.

Bats play an important role in nature and are an indispensable part of the food chain. Although bats are beneficial to human society, they are still terrifying wild animals. The random tool explained 17 reasons why bats are scary.

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