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  • (#9) Waitress Takes a Sandwich to Her Face

    "My girlfriend and I worked at the same restaurant in Savannah, GA, while in college. St. Patrick's day is huge here - about 750,000 people come every year and get very, very drunk.

    "One year, an intoxicated customer 'didn't like his Reuben,' and proceeded to grab his waitress (my girlfriend) and literally rub it in her face. A bartender, a bouncer, and I literally tossed him out the front door."

  • (#10) Mother Claims Her Sons Deserve Child Discounts

    "I waited tables at a place that had a buffet on Fridays. A lady came in with her twin sons, and they all ate the buffet. When I brought her the check, she flipped out on me because I didn't charge her for two 'child buffets.' I told her that the cut-off age is 10. She said her kids are 10 exactly.

    "I then point out that her kids are wearing high school varsity football jerseys and, I knew they were seniors in high school because they were a grade below me and I had just graduated.

    "She called me a b*tch and then tried to name drop the owner's names, but got them completely wrong. She asked to speak to the manager, so I got the manager from the office, who happened to be the owner's daughter.

    "She pulled the whole 'I am a close family friend of the owners' and botched their names again. The manager just said, 'Well, you're at the wrong restaurant because no one by that name owns this place; I am the owner's daughter, and I've never seen you in my life.'

    "The lady just gave a, 'Well, I never...' and wrote a check...

    "...Which bounced."

  • (#11) Friendly Patron Turns Out to Be a Sociopath

    "Seven top. Table gets excellent service. $140 bill or so. Person paying check is friendly and all smiles. Tips $0. Waits at the door to see the sad dejected look on the waitress's face as she looks at the receipt and gives a Hannibal Lector smile.

    "You could just tell he derived pleasure from her pain."

  • (#6) Mother Throws a Tantrum in Middle of Restaurant

    "I worked at Longhorn a few years back as a server, and we had this one fat b*tch come in with her awful brats every other day. She'd always request my section, as if to punish me for some unknown reason. Every time they came in, she'd first complain about how the booth was too small and how it couldn't seat her oversized 300-pound ass. She always ordered sweet tea, which would never be sweet enough. She'd make ridiculous requests, like wanting me to go lock her car for her, or running to a convenience store next door for her. She'd try and mix meals without having to pay full price for them. She'd always order a steak that was never to her liking.

    "One day, she waddled in with her brats. She sat down, ordered her steak, and ate nearly half of it. I come over to check on her, and as she's chewing a piece of this steak, says to me that her steak is sh*t and she wants a refund. I pull a manager over to her, and she goes off, saying, 'I was the worst waitress she's ever had here, her steak was awful, and I was incompetent.'

    "My manager, knowing better, tells her that he won't comp the meal. This lady gets irate. She takes all the dishes on the table, starts throwing them on the floor, starts pulling down pictures, and taking swings at us. We called the cops, and she was banned.

    "She tried coming back to eat with us on multiple occasions, and she was thrown out every time."

  • (#17) Lady Tries to Get a Free Cheeseburger

    "I once had a family of four come in: a wife, husband, and two kids. The wife ordered a cheeseburger.

    "Everything seemed to be going well. I asked if they like their food and if there was anything I could get for them; they said everything was fine. The wife finished her burger and got my manager. She told her that the burger was absolutely horrible and wanted a refund for the whole meal. My manager almost laughed at her and told her if she hadn't finished the burger and had said something at the beginning, she would have gladly gotten her another burger. However, there was no way she was getting a meal for four for free nor was she getting hers for free because she, at first, told me she liked it."

  • (#3) Racist Customer Makes Waitress Cry

    "We had a waitress run into the kitchen bawling her eyes out. It took us a few minutes to find out what had happened from her. Apparently, a customer kept telling his son what he wanted, and the son would tell this waitress. When pressed by the waitress why he would not speak to her directly, he told his son to tell her, 'I don't talk to n******.'

    "We chased the f*cker out of the place. We wanted to roll him, but he was pretty quick."

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About This Tool

Restaurant workers are the hardest jobs in many industries, who always need to provide the best service and respect for their customers. Many restaurant workers have shared their worst work experiences on social media. Restaurant waiters cannot choose the guests they want, and they should always prepare to deal with noisy, rude, and angry guests and some unexpected demands, despite the absurd reasons from these guests.

It is no doubt that customers are not always right. The random tool shares 18 true experiences of the restaurant staff who served the worst customers ever. Every restaurant staff deserves more respect and love.

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