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  • (#7) Woman Demands Same-Day Delivery On The Night Of Christmas Eve

    From Redditor u/Rasberryblush:

    Worked for an upmarket UK toy company. Customer is furious we don’t offer same day delivery, at 5pm on Christmas Eve. Ruined her child’s Christmas as “this was gift from Santa” and threatened to write an article about me personally for “refusing to do anything to help." Honestly, the products we sold were mostly overpriced but it attracted a very entitled and graceless clientele. Mostly I had to stop myself from laughing at how ridiculous some of the requests we had were.

  • (#12) Cashier Gives Customer Exactly What She Ordered, Then Gets Yelled At

    From Redditor u/lawstudent51318:

    One day I'm working the drive through and a lady comes through and orders a spicy chicken sandwich. Alright, I read it back to her. She said it was fine. I read it back to her again when she got to the window, again she confirmed that she ordered a spicy chicken sandwich. I think I even said it one more time when I handed her the food.

    She drives off and parks in the parking lot, which is an "oh sh*t moment." The lady comes up to our front window (we were drive-through only) and begins to scream about how she hadn't ordered a spicy sandwich. I told my manager that she did but whatever.

    The kicker was that she was pregnant and accused me of trying to kill her baby as if a spicy sandwich would do that. We just gave her a free regular sandwich and she went on her way.

  • (#4) Woman Hits Cashier For Doing Their Job

    From Redditor u/Sid-Biscuits:

    When a woman set down cash on the counter and I went to count it, but she slapped my hand HARD because she was looking for the change.

  • (#3) Customer Complains About Bones In His Bone-In Fish

    From Redditor u/ASLane0:

    Used to work at a supermarket customer service desk. Guy comes over SCREAMING that his wife choked on the bones of fish that he bought from the fishmonger and was demanding to speak to the store manager. The store manager absolutely was not someone you bother for a rando customer issue without good reason, so I try to get more info.

    "Sorry to hear that sir, was it a fillet of fish?"




    "....Was it a whole fish?"



    ...I noped out and called the store manager.

  • (#1) Woman Orders Large Drink In A Small Cup

    From Redditor u/PB_PB:

    Had a woman come in and request a large drink in a small cup. I asked her to repeat that. She reiterated she wanted a large drink, but in a small cup. I told her that wasn't possible. This went on and on, her yelling that it wasn't that difficult to understand, I'm trying to tell her that they're different volumes. Eventually I filled up a large, got a small cup and dead-eyed her while pouring the large in until it overflowed and went all over the counter.

  • (#11) Man Hands Cashier Bag Of Poo

    From Redditor u/avoidance_behavior:

    I was handed an actual bag of warm, fresh dog sh*t by a customer at the pet supply store I worked at. "I've gotta go meet my wife in the back to talk about the dog's food. Can you handle this? He got excited." 

    He hands me a plastic baggie full with a paper towel-wrapped wad of dog poop he barely schmeared off the floor right in front of the registers. The line is about ten people deep in each register, so neither I nor my coworker at the cashwrap has time to clean the mess or go dump the bag of refuse in the doggy doo disposal out front on the lawn patch we have specifically for this god**mn issue. We would've liked to, but my boss was an absolute stickler (as was corporate) for helping at the register first above all else. We were short-staffed and it was during the holidays, so aside from warning people not to step on the streaks, we had no choice but to ring people up while the stench grew from the bag that was sitting on the floor in the corner of the cashwrap. Our store was without blinds (well, between blinds as we were remodeling) and so the sun beating in through the windows was not helping mask anything. When I finally got a break in customers (who were all pulling faces and looking at me like it was either me or at least my fault), I ran that bag outside faster than any fat girl has ever moved before, and I will never forget that dumbsh*t's face or the smell of that godforsaken parcel of molten dog droppings. It was nearly a decade ago and I still remember it all.

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About This Tool

We all have some bad customer service experiences in life, but the retail workers have other stories. From bad customers to annoying unexpected accidents, many retail workers feel that they have become accustomed to communicating with different customers. But they can definitely tell you that the customer is not always right. It is lucky that most retail workers have patience and tolerance.

Shopping will be a terrible experience without their hard work and patience. Working as a retail employee is far from easy, the random tool describes 15 of the worst work experiences from some retail workers.

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