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  • (#1) This Vegan Doesn't Even Want To See The Word Bacon

    A woman comes into my work planning to get a vegetarian sandwich. On the provided bag (as on every bag) you get the choice to add bacon, which is too much for her to handle. She starts ranting about "how could you even suggest that bacon could go on a vegetarian sandwich? I'm a vegan and bacon is terrible."

    The resulting conversation follows:

    Her: "You shouldn't be allowed to put bacon on a vegetarian sandwich!"

    Me: "Ma'am, we're not going to change our bags just for you."

    Her: "I don't like your tone! Get me your manager."

    Me: "I'm the closest thing to a manager we have right now." (I'm like, assistant manager and the owner is out of state)

    Her: "I don't believe you!" and continues to rant. 

    Me: "If you think that our bags are so terrible, then you're welcome to leave the store. We don't need your business and we don't need you coming around when there are other customers and disturbing them while they are trying to eat."

    Her: "I'm going to get my friends and we're going to boycott this place!"

    Me: "Go ahead, ma'am. This is private property and I have every right to force you to leave."

    And she storms out angrily, never to be seen here again. I hope she chokes on a carrot."

  • (#14) Stop Checking Facebook

    This is her latest status:

    "Super pissed at all of you guys who are horrified at the possibility of animal testing for party pills but contribute to animal testing on a daily basis. Come on guys."

    How can I respond to not be completely rude but put her down?

  • (#9) Is This Veganism Considered Child Abuse?

    I grew up vegan, and my family educated us diligently us about veganism. My dad showed us candid videos of slaughterhouses with animals hanging by their ankles as their blood pooled to fast to drain. Making a nine and seven-year-old watch this stuff? That was pretty crappy.

    I still can't eat meat.

  • (#2) That's One Way To Get Out Of Class

    During school, a classmate is explaining her vegan lifestyle to our class. I ask why do you do it, she responds by asking if I drink milk. I say yes, which sets her off and leads to her saying things like "Don't you know milk actually decreases calcium in your body?" and proceeds to yell for a few minutes before she just storms out the room.

  • (#4) You've Changed

    My spouse is vegan, and I'm vegan most of the time. But, on the occasions when I eat meat, my spouse treats me differently, getting short, refusing kisses, and acting cold towards me.

  • (#12) One More Reason To Avoid Your High School Reunion

    I am attending a high school reunion, and an old schoolmate begins telling us about her job as a waitress at a high-end restaurant. She gets a bit graphic detailing how the chef kills multiple lobsters, and my vegan friend who is listening with me puts her fingers in her ears!

    I'm also a vegan but I found this incredibly rude and thought it sent out a message that vegans are antisocial extremists, which Iguess might be the case with my friend.

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About This Tool

More and more people claimed that they are vegans and even only use vegetable oil to cook food. Many young women who are on a diet also only eat fruits and vegetables. Many people do not know how is real vegetarian life or even can not understand vegetarianism. More food manufacturers and restaurants are also actively innovating vegetarian meals and snacks.

A lot of people always think that the nutrition that vegans get is not enough. You could know well about the vegans' encounters, here are random 16 information that people described. Welcome to use the random tool to search for other interesting things.

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