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  • (#2) Added Fragrances May Cause Allergies, Dermatitis, And Even Effects On The Reproductive System


    A post shared by Ashley (@ashley_rose_greenliving) on

    Skincare and haircare companies typically add fragrance to products in order to give the customer a full-sensory experience. However, that added fragrance isn't doing you any favors. According to the Environmental Working Group Skin Deep Database, fragrance can cause "allergies, dermatitis, respiratory distress and potential effects on the reproductive system."

    To protect yourself, look for body and hair products labeled "No Fragrance Added" or "Fragrance Free." No scent, no matter how sweet and refreshing, is worth the potential side effects.

  • (#7) Parabens Mimic Estrogen, And Might Cause Breast Cancer

    You've likely seen advertisements for paraben-free moisturizers, shampoos, makeup, and various other beauty products. That's because brands have caught on to the fact that parabens may be dangerous for everybody. They mimic estrogen in the body, which can have all sorts of risky side effects including breast cancer, skin cancer, reproductive disorders, and decreased sperm count. Look for paraben-free products (there are plenty out there) to decrease your risk of exposure.

  • (#4) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) Could Cause Skin Irritation


    A post shared by Becca (@dermalogos) on

    This active ingredient found in body washes, cleansers, shampoos, toothpastes, and cosmetics could be more trouble than it's worth. Sodium lauryl sulfate shows up everywhere in the beauty world. But some publications have claimed it may cause all kinds of skin irritation, including acne (especially around the mouth and jawline), canker sores, dry skin, and red, itchy eyes.

    That said, an article published in the NCBI in 2015 aimed to disprove these assertions, positing that "[f]or decades, this chemical has been developing a negative reputation with consumers because of inaccurate interpretations of the scientific literature and confusion between SLS and chemicals with similar names." 

    However, its sister ingredient, sodium laureth sulfate (also known as SLES), is regarded by many as a generally safer, more gentle alternative.

  • (#12) Formaldehyde, A Known Human Carcinogen, Is Still Found In Nail Polish


    A post shared by Bee-Causes (@bee_causes) on

    Yes, the chemical used in embalming fluid is also floating around in your nail polish, hair products, and more. Even though The International Agency for Research on Carcinogens named it as a human carcinogen, formaldehyde is still found in many beauty products in order to preserve the ingredients and offer a longer shelf life. But overexposure to formaldehyde can potentially damage your nose, throat, and lungs, as well as lead to cancer. Leave this one to the high school science experiments and out of your skincare routine.

  • (#9) Fluoride May Cause Issues In People With Sensitive Skin


    A post shared by Tom's of Maine (@toms_of_maine) on

    Many toothpastes and mouthwashes count fluoride as a main ingredient, and for most people, that's okay. However, if you have highly sensitive skin, you may have fluoride to thank for your seemingly random reactions. There is some evidence that contact with fluoride can result in anything from dermatitis outbreaks to eczema to gastric issues, but those claims remain unsubstantiated. Good news, though. If fluoride is the cause of all your problems, your symptoms should clear up immediately after you switch your toothpaste to a fluoride-free version.

  • (#11) Oxybenzone Has Been Linked With Endometriosis In Women


    A post shared by Estuarine.Erin (@estuarine.erin) on

    When you protect yourself from the sun with a healthy dose of sunscreen, you could actually be exposing yourself to a harmful chemical: oxybenzone. This ingredient, mostly found in sunscreens, mimics estrogen when it enters the body. It can disrupt your hormones and your reproductive system. Studies have shown that oxybenzone alters sperm production, and it has even been linked with endometriosis in women. Opt for a sunscreen with zinc oxide instead.

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About This Tool

Beauty products are all chemical synthetic products. Although they have good functions, they also emit various harmful substances more or less. Checking the ingredients of beauty products is the first step in the pursuit of health and beauty. The ingredients that cause serious side effects in cosmetics are usually heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic. When choosing cosmetics, people are always attracted by the efficacy of freckle removal and whitening, while ignoring its essence.

Long-term use of many common beauty products will have side effects, such as hard-to-repair damage and various adverse reactions in the body, and even serious damage to the central nervous system. The random tool lists 13 common beauty products that may have harmful side effects.

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