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  • Cincinnati Music Hall on Random Terrifying Haunted Theaters Across America

    (#3) Cincinnati Music Hall

    • Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

    For some reason Ohio is really, super haunted. Whether it's "the ridges," a haunted asylum turned art museum that's so spooky that two people have to open and close it every night, or the Cincinnati Music Hall, a theater that was built over a potter's field - a cemetery for the destitute, Ohio is bonkers haunted. 

    And just in case you think that's an old wives' tale, in 1988, during the installation of an elevator shaft, bones of adults and children were exhumed from under the Music Hall. People have been seeing ghosts on the property since at least 1876. John Engst, a night watchman for the Music Hall, has had plenty of run-ins with the paranormal while working there, but the strangest occurrence happened when he began hearing music playing after everyone had left.

    He told the Friends of Music Hall: "I reentered the elevator and closed the doors. The music was still there and I'm starting to tingle now. I opened the rear of the elevator, entered the adjoining hall, no sound. Returning to the elevator to proceed to Corbett Tower and closed it up, the music was as beautiful as ever."

  • The Belasco Theater on Random Terrifying Haunted Theaters Across America

    (#8) The Belasco Theater

    With the amount of suffering that happens eight times a week on Broadway, it's astounding that every theater on the great white way isn't full of ghosts tearing up playbills and ruining performances of Hamilton willy-nilly. Thankfully, the Belasco Theater more than makes up for the area's lack of spooky sightings. After his death in 1931 the theater's owner, David Belasco, began to appear wearing a clerical collar and cassock, something that he liked to wear while he was still alive. Many actors have seen him skulking around the theater and have even attempted to talk to him with little luck. 

  • The Lincoln Theater on Random Terrifying Haunted Theaters Across America

    (#10) The Lincoln Theater

    When you think of haunted Illinois you probably don't think of Decatur, but it turns out that the Lincoln Theater plays host to ghostly footsteps, cold spots, and at least one full form apparition. One theory behind the apparition is that it belongs to an old stage hand named Red, a World War I veteran who laid down to take a nap at the theater and simply never woke up. Most people, however, believe it belongs to an actress that frequented the theater in its early days. 

  • The Leaf Theater on Random Terrifying Haunted Theaters Across America

    (#5) The Leaf Theater

    Everyone knows that Florida is full of crazies high on goofballs (or maybe it's the other way around), but are its theaters haunted? At least one of them is. In Quincy, Florida, The Leaf Theater is reportedly haunted by several former movie operators: one named Charles Gibson, another described as "a gentleman wearing a hat", and their very own "lady ghost."

    These claims have been backed up by the Big Bend Ghost Trackers who checked out the theater in 2006 at the behest of a local news anchor. Not only did BBGT sense general feelings of unease in the theater, but they were also able to make contact with the spirit of Charles who seemed to want to make contact with his son. Is anyone else imagining one of the ghost hunters as an alligator wearing sunglasses? No? Well, you should be. It really enhances the experience. 

  • The Hollywood Pacific Theater on Random Terrifying Haunted Theaters Across America

    (#4) The Hollywood Pacific Theater

    It goes without saying that Hollywood is one of the most haunted cities in America. Even the citizens who are still living tend to have a ghostly quality about them, so for something to be haunted in the City of Angels it needs to be pretty f*cking spooky.

    The main manifestation that haunts the Pacific Theater is that of Sam Warner, one of the O.G. Warner Brothers who not only help construct the theater, but who also helped make Los Angeles the town it is today. Multiple guards who work at the Pacific have reported seeing Mr. Warner taking the elevator up to his office, and they say that during quiet hours of the night he can be heard shuffling his furniture around. That has to be super annoying for whoever works in that office now. 

  • The New Amsterdam Theater on Random Terrifying Haunted Theaters Across America

    (#9) The New Amsterdam Theater

    The New Amsterdam theater in New York City is one of the oldest surviving Broadway theaters, and it even played host to the Ziegfield Follies from 1913 to 1927. It was during the Follies that Olive Thomas, an actress who won the "Most Beautiful Girl in New York City” contest, received her big break and began to work in silent pictures. Things went sour for Thomas in 1920 when she and her husband went to Paris.

    While they were in the City of Love, Thomas allegedly discovered that she had contracted syphilis from her husband and committed suicide. Shortly after her death, stage hands began to see Thomas passing through the theater wearing the same green dress that she wore during her big break in Ziegfeld's Follies

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Even if you visit the most remote small town in the United States, you may hear about some local ghost stories and find several haunted hotels or theaters. It seems that the United States is a country full of ghosts. Some American cities are famous for their particularly haunted theaters due to their long and strange historical stories. 

This random tool collected some simple information about 14 haunted theaters, which are the most haunted theaters all over the United States that people need to escape from. If you are brave enough, you can also run towards them and have an adventure.

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