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  • (#12) She Told Her BFF He Was An Embarrassment

    From Redditor /u/david_creek:

    I was a loud kid back in high school... Not a [jerk] or a bully but very loud, the type of kid that is the clown of the class. (I had a lot of self-confidence issues and found out that being like this helped cope with it somehow... I don't know, I loved being the center of attention).

    Anyway, I had this really big group of friends which included my best friend of course, and there was this one day we're all heading to a big party and we were all pretty excited... We get together to go, but just minutes before departure my BEST friend pulls me aside... She tells me, and I quote: "We've all decided that it's better if you don't go to to this place with us... The guys say that you might embarrass us... You can still go, though, but none of us is going to hang out with you there."

    I was 16. That was pretty much the end of social life for me until I hit 22 and met other people in college. I remember that hearing those words from my best friend's mouth was what definitely hurt me more (she had been my best friend since we were five). I basically came to the realization that I was in fact very disliked by the people I though cared for me.

  • (#13) He Ditched His Friend For Not Making The Baseball Team

    From Redditor /u/Rizaldeez:

    My friend and I had played on some JBO [Junior Baseball Organization] teams when we were in middle school. We would always joke around together and call each other losers for fun and were generally really close. Freshman year came, and it was time to try out for the baseball team. A week before tryouts, we made a bet that if one of us didn't make the team we would be deemed a loser forever. I didn't make the team, he did. He never spoke to me ever again. I stopped playing baseball, stowed away my baseball card collection and stopped following MLB. It still hurts to think about...

  • (#2) He Ditched His Friend In The Middle Of Nowhere And Broke His Bike

    From Redditor /u/kaboose286

    My friend and I went for a bike ride to the next town over when I was 13. [I was] pretty young to do it on my own, but he was 16 and I trusted him. We stopped at a gas station so I could use the washroom. I come out to see that he bent my chain to the side, [urinated] on my bike, and had left me there. An hour and a half long bike ride away from home, without a bike or money or pride.

  • (#5) She Hooked Up With Her Friend's Crush

    From Redditor /u/macally14

    Had a friend over at a party at my house. I was romantically interested/involved with one of my roommates (he's a male I'm a female) and we were having issues trying to figure out if we were going to be exclusive or not.

    Anyways friend was over, we were all drinking and my roommate goes to bed so I tell my friend about all the confusion in my life, and I am crying to her about how I'm sad and whatever. I go to bed, I assume she slept on the couch.

    Next morning, I wake up and find out after I went to bed, she went upstairs to my roommate's room and they did everything but [get it on]. She said she was sorry and all that but I just couldn't fathom how [she] could literally see me crying over someone and then just go try to [be intimate] with them. I haven't talked to her in years.

  • (#6) She Pretended To Have An Affair With Her BFF's Boyfriend

    From Redditor /u/a_mallard_duck:

    Well one of my friends was dating my boyfriend's best friend. He broke up with her, and she proceeded to tell my boyfriend's best friend and myself that she slept with my boyfriend to try to ruin all of our relationships with each other. It doesn't stop there - we all confronted her about it and she became more and more volatile, saying it happened and we had a threesome and my boyfriend was lying to me and saying we needed to pick sides...

    It didn't work, my boyfriend thinks this chick is irritating... Plus we are both way too lazy to cheat on each other... She tried to apologize later by text and letter, I usually don't hold grudges but the depths she sunk to try to screw over our relationship were just so conniving. I can't let someone that toxic back into my life.

  • (#11) He Told His Friend No Girl Would Like Him

    From Redditor /u/-Avatar-Korra-

    There was this one time a girl was trying to flirt with me, but [my friend] kept rudely interrupting her... Later once we left I told him that he was interrupting, in which case, he stated, "Yeah, why would she be flirting with you? You're not a 10/10 in ImaC*ntVille." Nobody told him he was being sh*tty since he surrounds himself with people that [flatter him].

    Was also at a party and [someone] said I was probably the most attractive in the group (out of the guys) and [my supposed friend] straight up said I couldn't be. Whatever, I still had that self-esteem boost.

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About This Tool

We cannot choose our family, but we can choose whom to be friends with. Those who are regarded as friends usually play an important role in our lives, thanks to them always supporting us, even if we are not necessarily the best selves. A good friend can face our shortcomings and support us in difficult times, and at the same time become our biggest cheerleader in our happiest moments.

Unfortunately, some so-called friends may not have good intentions and ruin our lives in the most disgusting way. The random tool shares 15 of the worst things people's friends have done to them.

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