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  • (#5) Men are more emotionally confusing.

    "Lesbian for 15 years, bisexual for the last year. Generally speaking:

    Dating women:

    Soft kisses, soft hugs, soft everything. Sex is more of a leisurely stroll through a park.Way easier to fall in love. The intimacy is intense when you're both speaking the same emotional language. Oddly enough, it's harder to have that first connection because women can be really passive and not show they're interested. PMSx2 is just as fun as it sounds. More defensive, less cooperative.

    Dating men:

    Hard kisses, hard hugs, hard everything. Sex is more of a roller coaster. Figuring out what a guy wants emotionally when even he doesn't want to admit/knows is nearly impossible without sabotaging the whole thing by seeming too 'needy'. Figuring out what a guy wants physically is wonderfully easy. Less defensive, more cooperative."

  • (#1) Women are squishier.

    "Men are harder.

    No seriously. Women tend to be soft and squishy, and men tend to have less give.

    You could never tell just by looking, I mean they both seem to have the same amount of fat.
    But its a huge and consistent difference.

    Definitely caught me off guard."

  • (#4) Women are better kissers.

    "I'm female. The way girls kiss is staggeringly different from the way men kiss. I prefer to date men in terms of sexual compatibility, but Christ are women better kissers. Women are softer and more responsive to physical cues, where as men tend to be like, 'This is what I've done before and no one ever said it sucked so I'll keep doing it!'"

  • (#8) There's a difference between how you do your makeup for a girl and how you do it for a guy.

    "Hi there, bisexual woman here.

    -With women, everyone will assume you're just best friends.

    -Women tend to be more responsive to the subtleties in your body language during sex.

    -With women, you really have to figure out your own relationship roles, since there's no male-female roles that are preassigned. It was really weird when I dated a guy after dating a girl, because he assumed I would want to fill traditional roles. After ignoring those roles completely with my girlfriend, it was weird.

    -With my girlfriends, I don't feel the need to make sure my legs are 100% hairless. Because we get it, shaving every day is stupid.

    -Wearing makeup for my boyfriend means highlighting my best features to look hot. Wearing makeup for my girlfriend means trying new things, because she'll notice the more subtle things and appreciate the wilder stuff."

  • (#3) People treat you differently when you switch it up.

    "It wasn't so much about difference between the people I was dating - I'm willing to chalk that up to the individuals, rather than their genitalia - but I would say that people who knew me with a boyfriend treated me differently than they did when I had a girlfriend, and vice versa. 

    It's sort of like people would have been fine with me being straight and fine with me being a lesbian, but watching me switch from men to women and back again caused a sort of cognitive disconnect. 

    (I'd like to point out that I was never treated badly as a result of this. It was always just interesting to watch people do a double take when they met my new partner, especially because several of them have had gender-neutral names.)"

  • (#9) Men are more vocal about experimenting in bed.

    "Male bisexual here (yes, we do exist). 

    -Grinding against a guy the same way you grind against a woman (when you aren't going for penetration) can have disastrous consequence when you poke the balls you forgot were there. 

    -Guys that I've been with have been more vocal about experimenting in bed. Not necessarily talking crazy, kinky stuff here. Think "new positions." I think women are equally interested in experimenting, but I tend to have to initiate that conversation. The women I've been with have largely let me take the lead until they are more comfortable with me. Guys tend to get to the point sooner. I'm not sure which I prefer - it's fun and exciting to have someone else initiate something new, but it can be unsettling if you don't know the person well. 

    -A lady has never licked my butt and I don't think one ever will and I am absolutely okay with that. 

    -When I'm with a guy, deciding who pays is always hilariously awkward for a minute. With a woman, at least it is almost never awkward to offer to pay. 

    -Woman are more mysterious to me. In general, I feel as if I can connect faster with a man than a woman, but when I take more time with women, the payoff of getting to know them generally results in better, longer, more intimate interactions. I don't exactly know how to describe it, but even though it's harder for me to emotionally connect with women, the connections tend to be stronger, deeper, and more mysterious. Mysteries can be really good things. 

    -Women tend to be much more aware of their surroundings, more cautious, and careful about people they are interacting with whom they don't know well. Guys tend to be less worried about it, and more direct. I think of it as the difference of talking to a lady on Tinder vs. talking to a guy on Grindr (which, btw, is an app I do not use). 

    -With women, there is usually the possibility you can have biological children. With men, that possibility doesn't exist. Even when you're young, that thought is always floating in the back of your mind."

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About This Tool

In fact, bisexuality means the existence of the potential to be attracted to men or women, but it does not mean that sexual desires for men and women occur at the same time. In the world of sexual minorities, bisexuality is already an unremarkable identity label. But bisexuals, especially bisexual women, have always had a special situation and experience.

Bisexuality is a sexual identity, it does not mean having two partners of different genders at the same time. For bisexuality, the public still has many stigmatizing stereotypes. The random tool lists 15 differences of dating guys and girls shared by bisexuals.

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