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  • (#13) Parents Refused To Give Daughter What She Really Wanted For Her Birthday

    From Redditor u/GamersInParis:

    My (18F) mom and stepdad had surprised me and my siblings (8M and 12F) Christmas 2020 by telling us that we were going to Disney World in October 2021. i was excited, but they didn’t tell us when in October we were going until about a month before when i asked so that i could take off work. my mom told me that we were leaving the morning of my 18th birthday, and i asked why they planned it on my birthday without asking me if that was okay. she said that the trip was a part of my birthday gift, and that i should be thankful we’re even going at all. i had planned on spending my birthday with my girlfriend, as she had planned all sorts of little things and surprises for me. when my birthday came around, my mom actually didn’t get me anything at all, saying that the Disney trip was expensive and i should be grateful we’re going for my birthday. i was upset almost the entire trip, because i didn’t want to be in Florida on my birthday and because they were hoping i’d forget that they had told us about Disney as a Christmas present and tried to play it off like a birthday trip for me. am i the *sshole?

    EDIT: No i did not sulk or whine the entire time, i was just simply upset for the reasons above. i did my best to enjoy it!

  • (#10) They Had A Controversial Encounter With An Overprotective Dad At Downtown Disney

    From Redditor u/Alone_Percentage8262:

    I was minding by own business exiting the parks after an amazing night at Disneyland via Downtown Disney. Apparently there was a private event in California adventure and so people were coming and going: super busy basically. A group of ten people were approaching with a small child (4/5) in the center. I continued to walk my path and was completely aware of the child at all times. The group was completely oblivious until I stopped two feet in front of the child (my rule of thumb in these scenarios is I will not run into a child but if they run into me, oh well), the father reacted after the fact (I was standing still) by reaching out and placing his hand on my right hip bone, like where my bikini would cover. Needless to say I was shocked and said, please remove your hand. He was all indignant, stating he was protecting his child. I then repeated myself and said, I have stopped moving and you need to remove your hand. He continued to bluster and made reference to me being such a big person ( I’m 5’9” ). I repeated myself a third time and said, ‘sir, I need you to remove your hand now. Needless to say, the child remained free from me and was never within two feet of me. He finally removed his hand, walking away and I continued on my exit, but not before hearing multiple female voices speaking loudly in the realm of, OMG, can you believe how rude that woman was, what a B****. I was ultimately flabbergasted.

  • (#11) Families Get Into Some Line Drama At Disneyland

    From Redditor u/artbyscout:

    It’s funny how much self awareness people lack at parks like Disneyland. I’m(19F) standing in line for guardians right now and there’s this family behind us playing heads up. Which is totally fine except every time we stop they full on run into us because they’re not paying attention. The youngest is probably around 10 but the rest of the family are teens and adults. The last time they ran into me I turned around and NICELY asked if they could back up because they keep running into us. Teen/adult? girl says “it’s a line.” So I say “I don’t care if you’re standing so close to us you bump into us every time you move it’s too close.” The dad starts full on yelling at me “ENOUGH” over and over so I start telling him to stfu. The mom says something about not cussing and I said idgaf don’t yell at me. My dad cuts in and says to the dad to knock it tf off. The sister pitches in “there’s children here” and again I say idgaf don’t be an @ss and you won’t get people angry at you. Finally things calm down and now they’re standing a normal length behind us. I guess we have to be in the same car as them so that’s great lol

    let me reiterate that I was calm and did not start cussing until the dad started yelling at me. And i don’t mean yelling as in raising his voice bc he was upset, I mean yelling as in he got up in my face and was SCREAMING at me. I never screamed back at him just raised my voice enough for our two parties to hear. I got in anyones face, I never cussed any child out, just the dad. If I wasn’t at Disney I would have done worse for even getting that close to me. I wasn’t mad at the kid for bumping me, she only bumped me once and I didn’t mind. I only said something when the dad had ran into me and my dad and my sister at least four times.

  • (#4) They Refused To Give Into A 'Disney Adult'

    From Redditor u/Queen_Of_Wands19:

    My niece just turned five and we got her a MagicMixie. My sister, "Elsa" has a strict "Disney Toy Only" policy and literally gives us lists of acceptable Disney-only toys, but that's not what my niece wanted. She's been obsessed with getting a MagicMixie since her friend got one. My BIL doesn't care and gets her other stuff all the time. I texted him and he said it was okay to not stick to the list since the grandparents got her stuff that wasn't Disney-related. He said he wants Niece to branch out more and to ignore the list.

    "Elsa" is a Disney Adult. Everything has to be Disney related. Before my niece was born Elsa sent out a facebook post and a family-wide email that anything without a Disney character on it, toys, clothes, bedding, furniture, anything, would get thrown out. Not donated, thrown out. We've never actually sent my niece a gift at all because we knew Elsa would throw it away. Disney is her aesthetic and she'll throw things away in front of the people who gift them to her if they're not plastered with cartoon characters.

    At her birthday party, Niece opened the MagicMixie and went bananas. Elsa didn't say anything other than a neutral "how cute" and then moved on to something else. After the party was over, Elsa went apesh*t and said it's my fault she has to throw her kid's toy away. Apparently she and BIL got into a big fight when she tried to throw it out during the party. She also tried to give it to several of the parents at the party. The moms from her mom group called her insensitive that she'd try to get rid of a toy her kid was so excited about and asked if she was going to do that with their gifts.

    My mom called me later and said I was a huge AH for not sticking to what Elsa wanted and “making her anxious about the presents” because I guess after the party, her mom group friends got p*ssed at her when they found out she throws gifts away so she and Niece are uninvited from a lot of spring activities.

    AITA for not giving in to a Disney Adult and getting the kid the toy they actually wanted?

  • (#1) Step-Mom Wants Them To Take Her Kids To Disneyland Too

    From Redditor u/unReasonableBreak:

    Okay so my sister was married to a guy, as soon as she got pregnant things went sour, he became distant and not long after my niece was born he left her for the girl he had been cheating on her with for the past few months. This lady has two of her own children already.

    My sister was far more nice than necessary she didn't haul him to court for support payments or anything they have 50/50 custody, things are amicable considering the cheating, whatever.

    Anyway, my wife and I who are childless want to take my niece to Disney land, her mother doesn't care, her father doesn't care, but the non-married step mom is having none of it.

    She expects us to take her two children also and expects us to pay as we intended to with my niece, she has been harassing my wife, trying to screw up her friendships on social cussing out my sister etc. all the fun that comes with a selfish psycho.
    She has even gone so far as to threaten calling protective services if we "kidnap" the child.

    Really my question is am I the asshole for not taking these two kids I've met once who are both older than my niece to Disney land? What the hell do I own them?

    Edit: Thanks for all the replies everyone, I didn't think I should feel like the asshole and you all reaffirmed my thoughts. We will most definitely be ensuring all the paperwork is in order before we book flights and hotels etc. Thanks again everyone!!

  • (#7) Parents Let Their Daughter Stay Home And Now She's Mad

    From Redditor u/Fun_Talk3027:

    As parents, we just want to do our best for our kids, especially when it comes to admitting wrongs.

    My wife and I are the lucky parents of two girls, Sarah (17F) and Anna (13F) and a boy, Tyler (8M).

    We managed to save enough money to go to Disney World for a week. Sarah is currently in the teenager phase of acting like a solider being sent out to war whenever she has to go out with the family, and she refused to go to Disney World on the basis of it being a stupid place and not wanting to be away from her friends.

    My wife and I tried everything - talking to her, showing her pictures of all the fun places, we told her it would be fun and that we wanted her to go but Sarah refused and eventually we agreed to let her stay at her Aunt's house. The week passed, we came back. Anna showed Sarah a couple of pictures and now Sarah is incredibly angry at her mother and I, she feels betrayed and angry that we let her miss out on a vacation and valuable family time and is angry we didn't fight harder to make her go.

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