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  • (#2) They Met Someone In Germany Who Previously Lived In Their US Home

    From Redditor /u/BarryAllen85:

    Met a guy in Munich on the street who had lived in the same house as I did... in Cincinnati... 40 years ago.

  • (#1) They Were Stopped In Ukraine By Russian Militants

    From Redditor /u/cancercuressmoking:

    I went to visit Ukraine with my parents because they wanted to see the small villages where their parents were born. We have no family in the area so we hired a guide to take us around since the country can be a bit corrupt.

    As we were driving around on a highway we suddenly were stopped in traffic (literally [in the] middle of nowhere). The guide gets out of the car and takes a look, then quickly jumps back into the car, does a U-turn and drives off telling my mom we can't go to her mom's village.

    We ask why and he says that was some kind of Russian militant roadblock. This was during the whole Crimea thing.

  • (#4) They Woke Up In A Detached Train Car In Slovenia

    From Redditor /u/ThoriumJeep:

    [I] fell asleep on a train from Croatia to Italy. I woke up to find myself locked in the train car, which had been detached from the engine and parked in a yard.

    I had missed my connection and no one must have checked the train before parking it. [I] found out I was in Slovenia after finding a way out of the train.

  • (#13) Their Dog Escaped A Minefield In Croatia

    From Redditor /u/mephistosoos:

    We went on a family trip to Croatia and on our way to the beach we pulled over to the side of a road for a pee break. So we opened the car door and like always our dog jumped out first. He ran into the field right next to the street.

    Then suddenly my mother started screaming the name of our dog, because 10 meters away from our car was sign that said: "Stay away, old minefield." Thankfully nothing happened.

  • (#9) Wild Dogs Chased Them In Kosovo

    From Redditor /u/Phil567:

    I had a pack of wild dogs chase me from my bus stop to my hotel at 3 am in Kosovo.

    I also had an old woman yell at me in Russian about not making my bed right on the train... then watched over my shoulder until it was to her satisfaction when I was on my way back to Bucharest from Moldova.

  • (#22) A Horse In The UK Liked Their Pasta Pot

    From Redditor /u/hogger85:

    [We were] camping in the New Forest in the UK and woke up to the pans in our tent front area rattling. [We] opened the inner tent door and a horse's head had pushed under the front flap. [The horse] was licking out the pasta pot from the night before.

    Its eye was just looking to mine at head level and it pretty much filled the front area of the tent. It just nonchalantly removed its head and stood 6 feet from our camp staring at us for the rest of the morning.

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About This Tool

There is not only beautiful scenery in the strange and distant travel destinations but also some unexpected things. Some of these experiences may be surprises, some are thrilling, and some may be a little weird. People must be cautious when traveling alone, and we must have an emotional heart and a rational mind. 

International travel has become a fashionable lifestyle entertainment, but sometimes travel is full of dangers, especially in a foreign country. Without wise and good language communication skills, people will be at a loss when encountering danger. There are random 22 creepiest experiences abroad that some travelers shared.

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