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  • (#12) One Redditor's Town Is Lined With Puppets

    From Redditor /u/benrules2:

    There is a famous puppeteer (by puppeteering standards) who lives in our town and most of the store owners have commissioned puppets made in their image. As a result, our main street has creepy puppets in the front window of every shop.

  • (#2) Twelve Guys Blocked Someone's Way On The Road

    From Redditor /u/Syrup_Chugger_3000:

    I was a teenager driving around with a friend doing god knows what in southern Louisiana. Figured I would take random turns to see if I could find "shortcuts" between cities (again, no idea what I was thinking). Ended up driving through a neighborhood with bars on windows, houses badly damaged (obvious rot damage, one missing a side door to the house, etc.).

    As my friend and I started to get a "we took the wrong turn" vibe is about the time a group of people down the long strip of the road showed up. About 12 guys total all seemed to have appeared out of f*cking nowhere, lined up shoulder to shoulder across the road, and just stared motionless at my truck approaching.

    I decided we were f*cked if I stopped the truck, so I downshifted and charged straight at them full speed. They ended up moving out of the way about a second before I flew past, and by move I mean they just calmly walked just out of range of my truck and went back to standing at the sides of the road.

  • (#5) A Family Discovers A Creepy, Secretive Town

    From Redditor /u/Mike7676:

    The weirdest, or just flat out ODD thing I ever witnessed was when I lived in Kansas.

    Small backstory: I was in the Army at the time, early in my career with my wife and two very young children. No money, not a lot to do around Ft. Riley unless you liked hunting and fishing, or could afford it. What we would do to alleviate boredom was drive. Just drive around quietly hoping the noise of the road kept the babies quiet. One Saturday in the fall of 2001 we came upon a tiny town. I believe it was south of Topeka as we would go there fairly often just to walk around.

    As we drove toward it, we noticed that the little town was laid out... oddly. Like a grid square or suburb but miniscule. Perhaps a dozen homes? At one end of this layout was a large (for its size) barnlike building or school. Clearly abandoned, obvious fire damage the cause. Creepy, interesting, yes, but as we drove around the pattern of homes something else caused us to speed right out. At least five homes, as we drove past, not only slammed doors shut but also closed curtains, shades and faces near windows furtively poked out. Absolutely made our skin crawl and we never went back.

    For reference, our car at the time was a light green old Dodge Neon, so its not like they thought it was a police cruiser.

  • (#1) A Group Was Accosted By A Woman With Two Eye Patches

    From Redditor /u/clownparade:

    We found a small town, I can’t remember the name of it now because we didn't end up staying long - but the population sign [said] about 200-ish (can’t remember exact number) and we saw a campground, a hotel, one gas station, and one restaurant. We pulled up to the gas station and while we were filling up we didn’t see a single person on the street or anywhere, and it was early evening, about 5 pm-ish. We are just standing around looking at the old buildings and the gas station garage area. Suddenly we saw movement in a window, the blinds were down but open, and we saw what looked like a child in the corner, but he was bald, and he quickly moved away when he saw we noticed him. We were going to go into the store area to buy some food and drinks, but decided to keep moving. Creepy as hell, it reminded us of being in The Hills Have Eyes or something. Same landscape, same creepy gas station.

    We finish filling and then get back in the car and stop about two blocks away at the only restaurant in town. It was a dinky little place named Pat's Diner. There [were] two cars in the parking lot and the open sign was on, so we figured hey it’s the only place here and we gotta eat so let’s go.

    As we approach we can hear lots of people talking and laughing inside, seems like a nice place. What happened next was both the most confusing and disturbing thing I've ever been a part of. I feel like I walked into some B horror movie. As soon as we open the door and step in everyone in the whole place instantly stops talking, moving, doing whatever they were doing, and turns around and stares at us. The place was packed; I figure there were probably 10-15 tables but like 50+ people in this place. We just stood there in silence for what seemed like hours but was probably only 10 seconds. All of a sudden this very old lady in the booth right in front of us slooooooowly turns her head around, wearing TWO eye patches... and says in a creepy old voice "What do you want here?"

  • (#14) A Field Trip Group Was Bombarded With Questions From Curious Locals

    From Redditor /u/leakyaquitard:

    During a week of field camp (AKA my geology program's capstone course), we were passing through Montello, NV. We ended up stopping at the only gas station in town before heading up to a mountain range not too far away. This place is in the middle of nowhere.

    While we (a class of around 16) were perusing the gas station, what I could only imagine being the rest of the town showed up in the gas stations asking us all kinds of questions, like where we were going, how long we'd be out there, what university we were from and if we'd be digging around in the mountains or not. This may not sound that weird but a lot of people (along with me) in my class were thoroughly creeped out.

  • (#15) A Wall Of Dead Deer Is A Great Welcome Mat

    From a former Redditor:

    Actually just witnessed someone else's "creepy moment" a few minutes ago. I live in a really small town (about 1k). It's deer hunting season (I've been hunting all morning myself). Was driving home and passed our general store where the standard deer season scene was going on - a bunch of pickup trucks in the parking lot with dead deer in the back getting weighed in, hunters milling around in camo and plaid.

    Anyway, I stopped, and behind me pulled in a vehicle with Canadian plates full of people who seemed quite "urban," obviously tourists. One of them got out to go into the store. The scene with the hunters/dead deer was probably a bit outlandish to them in the first place, but that wasn't the really funny part. During deer season the owner of the general store takes Polaroid pictures of each deer/hunter combo that comes in, and then tacks them up on the inside of the front doors of the store for people to see. At the particular moment that this Canadian tourist opened the doors to walk into the store, there was a whole crowd of camouflaged hunters all inside the store looking at the pictures. So the tourist essentially opened the door to be met by a crowd of rednecks all apparently staring straight at him. He definitely looked a bit bewildered and frightened.

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Most people think that life in a small town is peaceful and comfortable, but in fact, there are some weird small towns in the world that may have completely disappeared due to natural disasters, and some of them have weird events that make people afraid to get involved. In short, many people have passed by what they think is the scariest place in the world. 

Although science advocates atheism, there are some mysterious and supernatural events that cannot be explained by science. Let us take a look at the stories of the top 15 creepy small towns, people shared their stories, there are 15 items on this page.

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