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  • Great Miami Hurricane (1926) on Random Deadliest, Most Destructive Hurricanes

    (#11) Great Miami Hurricane (1926)

    Death Toll: 372

    Category: 4

    Areas Affected: United States (Florida)

    While it only touched down for 12 hours, the Great Miami Hurricane did lasting damage to the then-up-and-coming Florida city. In September 1926, the storm touched down on Miami. The hurricane caused massive flooding, with water from the Atlantic extending into mainland Miami and covering several blocks.

    The Red Cross later reported a death toll of 372, with over 6,000 injuries. Damages totaled $105 million, which would be over $164 billion today. 

  • Hurricane Iniki (1992) on Random Deadliest, Most Destructive Hurricanes

    (#20) Hurricane Iniki (1992)

    Death Toll: 6

    Category: 4

    Areas Affected: United States (Hawaii)

    The costliest hurricane in Hawaiian history, the Category 4 Hurricane Iniki struck down on the island of Kauai on September 11, 1992. Hawaiians handled the effects of Hurricane Iniki amazingly well. Communities held parties to cook all the perishable food since the power was knocked out. Grocery stores offered free food to anyone who needed it. While there was some looting in the aftermath of the storm, it was very limited. 

    Amazingly, there were only six deaths attributed to Hurricane Iniki, even though the islanders were given little notice about the storm. The monetary damage, however, was huge for the small island, coming to over $1.8 billion. 

  • Hurricane Maria (2017) on Random Deadliest, Most Destructive Hurricanes

    (#16) Hurricane Maria (2017)

    Death Toll: 64 initially reported, but increased to 2,975 in August 2018.

    Category: 4

    Areas Affected: The Caribbean, Puerto Rico 

    After making its way through several Caribbean islands as a Category 5 storm, Hurricane Maria diminished to Category 4 before striking down in Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017. Despite this reduction in severity, the storm devastated the US territory. Maria was, at the time, the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in 80 years. It caused massive flooding and essentially knocked out all power across the island. 

    The level of damage done by Hurricane Maria remains somewhat unclear, especially in terms of the death toll. Only 64 deaths were initially recorded, but many people died after the storm hit. Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine in May 2018 called the official death toll of 64 a "substantial underestimate." The study estimates 4,645 people died in the three months after Hurricane Maria. In August 2018, Puerto Rico's governor officially raised the death toll from 64 to 2,975. 

    Still, the exact death toll is still shrouded in mystery, as some of the deaths reported were not directly caused by the hurricane but rather the abhorrent conditions after the massive storm. Domingo Marqués, an author on the report, and his colleagues say anywhere between 793 to 8,498 deaths were directly or indirectly caused by Maria. 

  • Hurricane Michael (2018) on Random Deadliest, Most Destructive Hurricanes

    (#19) Hurricane Michael (2018)

    Death Toll: 6+

    Category: 4

    Areas Affected: Florida Panhandle, Georgia

    When Hurricane Michael made landfall, it boasted winds up to 155 mph, making it one of the four most-powerful hurricanes to hit the US. When it made its way to Georgia, it downgraded to a Category 3 hurricane, which is still incredibly strong. 

  • Hurricane Hugo (1989) on Random Deadliest, Most Destructive Hurricanes

    (#17) Hurricane Hugo (1989)

    Death Toll: 49

    Category: 5

    Areas Affected: Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, United States (South Carolina) 

    Hitting the Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and South Carolina, Hurricane Hugo began as a Category 5 storm. While it was reduced to Category 4 before striking down on land, this did not stop the storm from doing considerable damage. High winds and elevated water levels were the main causes of damages and deaths. Cost of damage came to be $8-10 billion.

  • Hurricane Patricia (2015) on Random Deadliest, Most Destructive Hurricanes

    (#21) Hurricane Patricia (2015)

    Death Toll: 6

    Category: 5

    Areas Affected: Mexico 

    Hurricane Patricia remains the strongest hurricane ever recorded, with winds reaching 200 miles per hour. Patricia ended up causing few fatalities and doing relatively little damage.

    When it touched down on Mexico's southwestern coast in October 2015, it struck sparsely populated areas and wound down to a tropical storm within 24 hours of hitting land. However, the storm damaged a lot of Mexican infrastructure, leaving 250,000 people without power and damaging 3,000 homes. 

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About This Tool

Hurricanes are tropical cyclones with a force of over 12 in the Atlantic Ocean and the Eastern Pacific Ocean. It is similar to a typhoon, except that they are generated at a different location. Some coastlines around the world are threatened in every hurricane season. In the summer of 2011, the east coast of the United States was affected by Hurricane Irene, which even triggered a large-scale evacuation of residents and New York City closed its transit routes for the first time in its history.

Hurricanes are generally accompanied by strong winds and heavy rains, which seriously threaten people's lives and property, cause great impacts on agriculture and the economy, etc., and are a natural disaster with greater impact and serious harm. The random tool lists the 22 most destructive and threatening hurricanes.

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