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  • Flood-Rafting Fire Ants Are Extremely Adaptable And Dangerous on Random Deadliest Texas Animals That'll Make You Watch Your Step In Lone Star State

    (#9) Flood-Rafting Fire Ants Are Extremely Adaptable And Dangerous

    Fire ants may not be native to Texas, but they have become increasingly pervasive since their introduction to the state in the 1950s and have exterminated other native breeds of ant due to their aggressive behavior. Though they may not be intimidating individually, as a colony they can be harmful to plants, animals, and humans alike. When threatened fire ants are aggressive and will act in mass to protect their colony. They can bite and sting, which can be painful and leave white pustules, but when one ant stings, it triggers others to do the same. Despite being able to observe their behavior, it isn't clear how their response is triggered and communicated.

    Not only are these fire ants highly aggressive and territorial, they are incredibly adaptable. These ants have waxy bodies, and when clustered together they can create a "raft" so the colony can continue to survive. Fire ants rafts were rampant during Hurricane Harvey, and citizens were able to capture videos of these little critters lumped together and floating along.

  • Cougar on Random Deadliest Texas Animals That'll Make You Watch Your Step In Lone Star State

    (#10) Cougar

    • Puma concolor

    The cougar  (AKA mountain lion) is a large cat species found throughout North America, including many regions of Texas. Though small compared to other large cat species around the world, weighing in between 65 and 150 lbs depending on gender and geographic location, it's still an incredible predator. Often solitary except for during the three to five days a year when they're breeding, the cougar is an incredibly stealthy hunter, electing to stalk and ambush rather than face their prey head on.

    Encounters with mountain lions have increased as people have began encroaching on their natural habitat. Cougars have been known to prey on domestic livestock, pets, and human beings, usually selecting smaller targets who are less able to defend themselves.

  • Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma on Random Deadliest Texas Animals That'll Make You Watch Your Step In Lone Star State

    (#3) Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma

    • Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma

    Western cottonmouth snakes may have a shy temperament but are potentially one of the most deadly animals found in Texas. Also known as water moccasins, the western cottonmouth can potentially be found in any aquatic environment in Northern Central Texas including pools, lakes, rivers, or streams. They can be distinguished by their flat, broad head, their thick body decorated with dark and irregular cross bands, and their slender tail.

    When confronted, western cottonmouth snakes would rather run away or completely freeze to blend into its surrounding and will open its mouth, revealing it's namesake, before striking.  If it strikes, however, the venom it injects can be potentially deadly. The western cottonmouth's venom is a hemotoxin that prevents the blood from clotting and could cause hemorrhaging in the circulatory system, temporary or permanent tissue damage, and possibly the loss of bodily extremeties depending on where the bite is located.

  • Scorpion on Random Deadliest Texas Animals That'll Make You Watch Your Step In Lone Star State

    (#8) Scorpion

    • Scorpiones

    The striped bark scorpion may be small and unassuming, but that's what makes this arthropod so dangerous. It is the most common scorpion in Texas, and it can be found throughout the state, living in dark crevices in vegetation, sheds, barns, and household objects. Thousands of people are stung each year and though their venom isn't deadly, their neurotoxins can cause swelling, itching, numbness and pain, which may last anywhere between hours to days.

  • Coyote on Random Deadliest Texas Animals That'll Make You Watch Your Step In Lone Star State

    (#12) Coyote

    • Canis latrans

    Coyotes pose a deadly threat to pets and livestock, but a human death from a coyote attack is very unlikely. Urbanization is causing coyotes to lose their fear of humans, and they've been noted to act with aggression towards humans, stalking and chasing bicyclists, animals, and small children. They're attracted to anything that smells like food, so pet food, garbage, or outdoor animal feeders for squirrels or birds are an open buffet. 

    Coyotes are not a friendly encounter for anyone who owns a pet or livestock out on the open range. They are the most abundant livestock predator and will make a meal out of dogs, calves, sheep, chickens, and anything that's small enough to kill with a crushing bite to the skull. 

  • Agkistrodon contortrix on Random Deadliest Texas Animals That'll Make You Watch Your Step In Lone Star State

    (#5) Agkistrodon contortrix

    • Agkistrodon contortrix

    Texas is home to three species of copperhead snakes: the southern copperhead, Trans-Pecos copperhead, and the broad-banded copperhead. All of which can be identified by their light brown body and reddish-brown crossbands.

    The copperhead snake is a very timid creature. Rather than put up a fight, it prefers to flee or attempt to blend in with its environment to remain out of harm's way. It can, and will, strike at a threat if intimidated. On average, copperhead snake bites account for more human bites per year than any other snake. While those bites rarely result in death, the venom can cause tissue damage, mild nausea, and can be incredibly painful

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About This Tool

Texas has the most abundant biodiversity in America, but the increase in population and continuous development makes the ecosystem in danger. Texas is a paradise for some of the most deadly animals and insects in the United States, where a mild climate and diverse vegetation provide the best growth environment for these fatal animals. 

A variety of species of bugs, reptiles, and mammals inhabit the vast lone star state, and many of them have the potential to kill people. While finding a comfortable and perfect travel destination, take appropriate precautions or learn about some common deadly animals or insects. The random tool introduced 13 deadliest Texas animals that people could be careful.

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