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  • (#3) Repeat Offender

    From Redditor u/Greentables:

    Monday dinner we got this woman in the drive thru who insisted her order was messed up on Sunday and she called ten times but no one answered. I cant speak to that cause I was off but as long as she has a receipt we can replace it. She doesn't have a receipt. I'm like "ok well we can't replace it then" she freaks out and screams about how we didn't give her the receipt and didn't pick up the phone and she's gonna call my manager and she's gonna report us all to corporate and blablablah. So I offer to ring her up for the same order.

    She orders and finishes with "and I want my F***ING RECEIPT" and I'm like, Over it so I go "ma'am that's absolutely no way to talk to anyone here." And she's like "I don't care. I want my f***ing receipt and I want five f***ing ranch in the bag" I absolutely take the opportunity to be petty and ring her at 10c each and after handing me a fistful of only pennies she's three cents short. I ask if she wants to put one back and she freaks out again haha I'm petty.

    Finally she hands me a quarter, I give her all the food and a receipt and change etc and she flips off me, my co-manager, and my crew of four or five kids up front. Fine. Whatever that was bull but at least it's over right.


    End of the night Tuesday, maybe 20 minutes to close, this car comes in and I start on the headset. She's like "hiiii I came in at about this time yesterday and I got the wrong order, I have my receipt is there any way it can be replaced??" Just sweet as pie

    I'm kinda joking with co-manager like "watch it be that psycho from yesterday I'll cuss her out" and then on the headset I go "what did you order and what was wrong with it?" She tells me and it's. The same. Exact. Order. We start to realize it literally actually is her and co-manager is just saying no send her away I'm not remaking it again and tbh I completely understand. Petty b*tch moment again.

    "Ohhhhhhh of course are you the lady that cussed us out yesterday?? Have a wonderful night" and I hang up! I hear her drive away, figure that's the end of it and start taking the next orders.

    Of course it's not. She just drove away from the speaker I don't know if she thought I'd forget by the time she's at the window but, I didn't. I'm in the middle of taking an order but I can see her pull up waving a receipt in the air.

    Co-manager says he wants to talk to her and I definitely don't so that works out. She starts off like "hiiiiii yeah I know we had a problem yesterday but my food was made wrong, I need it all replaced." He's like, "no it wasn't." They go back and forth for a minute until she admits it was fine, just 'sloppy' and since she has a receipt she should get the whole order replaced. Co-manager scoffs and goes "that's your receipt from yesterday when you tried the same thing! We're not making it!" She freaks out again like "you have to!! I called and I have the receipt!!!" And he's like "no you didn't I've been here all day, and no we don't. Have a good night." He closes the window and walks away.

    This whole time I'm getting the next order ready, maybe 5 feet away, so I'm just waiting for her to leave.

    She, in all her brilliance, LAYS on her horn. Just slams it and doesn't let up. I could care less honestly the window is closed and there's nothing super urgently calling me over. This doesn't stop for like a solid minute or two. The whole time her husband is fighting her away from the horn. Co-manager and I decide we can tell her to leave and then call the police for trespassing. He walks over and goes "you need to leave, Right Now" she's still laying on her horn and he has to shout at the top of his lungs "Leave or we will call the police! Now!" She finally lets up, beeps her horn a couple more times, and screeches off. But I'm sure this isn't the end of it. The first day she was here she made such a huge deal of taking notes of mine and co-manager's names to report us to corporate I'm sure she's not going to take well to having consequences to her actions.

    I close five nights a week and left a note in the office saying she's banned. Honestly can't wait to see what she pulls tomorrow.

  • (#22) Cheese Burgers, No Cheese

    From Redditor u/its2005again:

    Our day was super busy and we had cars in our drive thru until we shut off the lights. The man at the speaker began the biggest tantrum I’ve ever heard. I was on the sandwich position and my coworker was on the drive window, cashing out an order. The headset dings and no one greets the man at the speaker yet.

    My manger shuts off the lights. Cue tantrum:

    Man: OH COME ON! NO! NOOOO! honks horn I WAS HERE ON TIME. I WAS HERE BEFORE NOO! lots of expletives and more honks NO! NO! NO!

    Me: SIR! SIR! Our drive guy is taking care of someone at the window. We will take your order. You are the last one. My manager said to take your order right before she shut off the lights

    Man: Oh! Oh. Okay. I’d like three jr cheese deluxes , no mayo, no cheese.

    My coworker thanked me as I rang him up, told him his total, and then changed my gloves to make the sandwiches.

  • (#23) Stuff Happens, Calm Down

    From Redditor u/GingerAphrodite:

    I sling tacos in drive thru. It's not much but it's honest work, and I love my customers... well, most of them.

    Look, our card readers are old. They lag like crazy, sometimes they don't read cards or process correctly the first time, and they seem to have a grudge against the chips in [generic bank in every local walmarts] cards. But they get the job done and I've learned my way around all their quirks except the occasional failure to process payment, because the only option it to run it again. (Basically it goes through the reading, authorizing, and processing screens but then pops up as payment cancelled).

    Just another day chucking chalupas when suddenly, a wild distrusting customer appears!

    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, but it seems are card reader didn't process the payment and we'll need to run your card again. This happens sometimes, it's an occasional problem with the machine. (I'm in the habit of saying it this way so they don't start fumbling with their wallets or phones, thinking their card was declined).

    Her: You have to run it again?

    Me: Yes, like I said sometimes our card reader likes to act up a bit, it's not uncommon.

    Her: Ok but it better not charge me twice!

    Me: It won't, the payment didn't process the first time

    Her: Ok, I'll be watching for it with my bank, cuz I'll come back for you.

    Me: (chuckling cuz I think she's joking) Ok no problem... (or something like that) Would you like a receipt today?

    Her: No I don't need a receipt today.

    Me: Ok have a great day and stay safe!

    Her: ... what was your name?

    Me: GingerAphrodite

    Her: Ok, have a good day.

    Her tone of voice was pleasant/ neutral the whole time, and she wasn't rude really. I was just really taken aback that she actually thought that I tried to scam her and was so convinced she took my name. Which is funny because if she had taken a receipt she would have had my name (plus proof of purchase, which we used to require when handling redunds before the COVID outbreak)

    I was confused, amused, and tbh a little offended at the accusation. I figure she's probably been burned before. Definitely threw me for a loop though!

  • (#15) Remember To Order

    From Redditor u/segwin01:

    I had a lady in the drive thru who somehow managed to get past the speaker box and all the way to our window without ordering any food. She pulled up to the window and I read out the next order on my screen and she was like "That's not my order"

    So my follow up question was "did the person in front of you get out of line?" Because that is something that happens semi frequently at our location. She got really quiet and looked at me and said "oh my gosh I forgot to order"

    I just stood there for a moment. How on earth do you wait through at 20 minute drive thru line and forget to order food? I ended up just ringing up her order at the window but that was definitely one of the most confusing points of my day.

  • (#1) Remain Calm

    From Redditor u/agfsvm:

    During this shift, my coworker (CW) was the one taking orders in the drive thru while I was bagging everything for him, so I also had a headset on. A couple rolls up to the drive thru with the wife (W) ordering and the husband (H) in the passenger seat.

    W: Hi, can I please get 10 McNuggets? CW: (very obviously joking) Well, we don’t have McNuggets but I can give you some chicken nuggets. W: Haha, yeah sorry that would be great thanks!

    My coworker keeps taking the order and everything seems fine, they pay and then we think they left but actually they just drove up to the front of the store and the husband comes up to the counter, extremely angry to say the least. At this point we had no costumers in the dining room or drive thru.

    H: Why the f*ck were you disrespecting my wife? CW: (not recognizing him at first) What are you talking about? H: You laughed at her! Why the f*ck did you laugh at her just because she doesn’t know the names in your menu? CW: ...I was kidding man, your wife was fine with it she got it. H: (getting progressively angrier) You didn’t have to make fun of her. Where’s your manager? I’ll beat you up I swear. CW, laughing a little: Alright alright I’ll get him (calls manager over but he was on a call so he takes a bit to get there) H: I swear I’ll beat you up (comes behind the counter) CW: Hey man you can’t be here At this point the costumer pushes him so my coworker pushes him back while the manager starts making his way over to the front.

    Basically the customer was really about to hit my coworker and then starts telling the manager that he expects my coworker to be fired next time he comes or he won’t be eating there anymore. He didn’t get fired but we didn’t hear from the customer anymore either, but man was this intense.

  • (#11) Check Your Location

    From Redditor u/acidonangle:

    So today a customer pulls through and didn't stop at the speaker. At my store that usually means angry customers and since I'm the manger I get the pleasure of talking with them. This guy immediately goes "I called early and talked to Tyler. I didn't get any veggies on my food."

    I tell him that we don't have an employee named Tyler. He insists that he did. Okay I guess... I ask if he has the receipt.

    He hands it to me and surprise it's not from my store. I tell him as much and he looks bewildered and insists he's at the right place.

    "Nah fam, we don't sell tacos here. The place up the street does... Where you got the receipt.

    He mumbles something under his breath, says he's calling the corporate number, and drives off.

    I wonder if he figured it out later and I hope that the taco store doesn't get any backlash because of the customer.

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About This Tool

Drive-through is a very common business service in the United States. The most well-known drive-through service is McDonald’s. And the service is provided in many different places, such as banks, libraries, and pharmacies. Consumers can complete the entire shopping in their car, and service staff will provide customers with goods or services through the window. 

Drive-through appeared in the United States in the 1930s and has become popular all over the world. The advantage is to save time. Have you used Drive-Thru service? Most people think they can quickly get goods or services, but there are also some details that proved the Drive-Thru is too difficult for some customers. 

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