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  • George Never Celebrated His Birthday After Fred's Death Until His Son Was Born on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#1) George Never Celebrated His Birthday After Fred's Death Until His Son Was Born

    From Quora user Karthika Nair:

    George hated the fact that he and Fred would never be together on their birthdays anymore, so he didn't celebrate them after his death. But George's son was born on the exact same date as him and Fred (1st April). And he named him Fred II. Also started celebrating birthdays now that Fred was by his side.

  • George Dyes His Hair After The Battle Of Hogwarts on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#2) George Dyes His Hair After The Battle Of Hogwarts

    From Redditor u/DravenFelius:

    After the Battle of Hogwarts, George dyes his hair outrageous colors. At first Molly is mad, but then she hears George whisper, "I kept thinking it was HIM (Fred) in the mirror..."

  • Why Mrs. Weasley Doesn't Want Fred And George Starting a Joke Shop on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#3) Why Mrs. Weasley Doesn't Want Fred And George Starting a Joke Shop

    From Redditor u/Sir_Dude:

    Firstly, this only refers to the events of the 4th book in the series. Mrs. Weasley doesn't want Fred and George to start a joke shop because they've been doing illegal underage magic to create the merchandise. A lot of the stuff that Fred and George invented seems to need magic in order to be constructed. I would imagine some of the stuff can be done with a potion, but the vast majority requires the creator to perform magic when creating the item. When Ron and Ginny explain 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' to Harry (beginning of book 4), Ginny says:

    "We've been hearing explosions out of their room for ages, but we never though they were making things. We though they just liked the noise."

    At this point, the twins are 16, several months short of turning 17 and being allowed to legally perform Magic outside school. Evidently the explosions (Which I consider to be some form of magic used to create their joke merchandise) have been going on for awhile. As early as Book 2, when Harry came to stay with the Weasley's, it was noted that:

    "...small explosions from Fred and George's bedroom were considered completely normal."

    The twins were 14 at this time. We might wonder why the Ministry never came after the twins, after all, they are under 17 and supposedly tracked by the Trace. But the Trace isn't foolproof. Dumbledore explains on this point when Harry questions Dumbledore about an underage wizard performing magic in an adult wizard's home. Dumbledore replies:

    "They will certainly be unable to tell who performed the magic. They rely on witch and wizard parents to enforce their offspring's obediance while within their walls."

    Meaning that the twins were doing magic all along, but the ministry had no idea who was performing it (Fred and George are pretty good at bending rules and not being caught). The second part of Dumbledore's statement suggests that wizarding parents are responsible for their children's underage magic if the Ministry is unable to detect it. Likely, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would have gotten in some sort of legal trouble if anyone discovered that Fred and George had been performing all kinds of underage magic, most of it dangerous and experimental (the kind likely to cause a magical catastrophe). By the time they do start the joke shop (age 18), they have been of-age long enough that no one will suspect the items were invented with underage magic, so Mrs. Weasley isn't angry about it anymore.

  • Fred And George Gave Harry The Marauders Map Because They Saw Everything From The First Two Years on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#4) Fred And George Gave Harry The Marauders Map Because They Saw Everything From The First Two Years

    From Redditor u/hansthellama:

    During the events of the Chamber of Secrets, Fred and George are in possession of the Marauder Map. This means that they must have been aware of their little sister sneaking about in mysterious places, always present when someone gets frozen. Not to mention sneaking into the Chamber of Secrets. But they didn't do anything. But wait, who says they didn't do anything? If I know Fred and George right, they spent that entire year working their butts off, trying to solve this. They just never told anyone, because just like Harry, Ron and Hermione, they weren't big on telling people about their adventures. No, they went behind the backs of their teachers and their fellow students, so that no one would stop them in doing good. They never made it into the Chamber of Secrets because they weren't parsletongues. And chances are they actually witnessed, via the Marauder Map, Harry and Ron saving their little sister. They saw Harry do what they weren't able to do.

    What’s more is that this was probably not the first time this happened. They probably saw the same thing the year before. They saw Harry, Ron and Hermione beat Voldemort the year before. And you could bet your butt they were trying to do the same, especially because they probably knew Professor Quirrel was hiding Voldemort on the back of his head, because the Marauder map shows you names. Sure, it’s possible that he turned up as Tom Riddle on the map, but that still must’ve told them something was off. The name Tom Riddle might even have been the thing that set them off course, so while Hermione was figuring out who Nicholas Flamel was, they were wasting their time on figuring out who Tom Riddle was. And they probably never found the answer.

    So after seeing Harry succeeding where they failed, two times in a row, they must’ve decided that Harry was more fit to own the map than they were. They gave him the map out of a sense of responsibility. They may not have known Harry had the unfair advantage of being a parsletongue and owning an invisibility cloak, but they saw that he could do things that they couldn’t.

    [Read the full theory here]

  • Fred And George Swapped Places So Often That They Shared An Identity  on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#5) Fred And George Swapped Places So Often That They Shared An Identity

    From Redditor u/Greak2mE:

    Throughout the books, Fred and George have poked fun at people who couldn’t tell them apart especially their mother. Now what if they are actually completely identical and have not got any physical features by which someone could tell them apart? So what they’re identical twins. And what do every pair of identical twins do as a practical joke: trade places. Fred and George are practical jokers of the highest order; who would do a practical joke above and beyond the scale of any normal joker. So on what scale do you think they would have done a twin swap?

    My thought is this: that they swapped so frequently and for so long that they had never really developed individual identities beyond the collective of Fred and George. Any role that one of them would have played individually was performed by both of them but simply under the one name. Identical twins living identical lives. (This might apply more for the books than the movies). You can’t say that one of them is Fred and the other George, since both of them are both Fred and George. If you were to split them they could also be called FR / Geo and Ed/ Rge.

    There was not a fixed person of Fred and a fixed person of George until George had his ear cut off: rather the twin that was wearing the name of George at that time had lost his ear. From that point on they had to live separate lives. I reckon that if they had not been so occupied during that time and if Fred had not died prematurely; either George would have gotten his ear back or Fred would have resorted to removing his own, in order for them to reclaim their intertwined identity. And when Fred did die, it was not just Fred that had gone. It was both of them, or them as they were together, and the half of the pair was trapped forever only ever being George. I think the death of half of Fred and George is the most tragic death of the Harry Potter series.

  • Fred And George Don't See Pettigrew On The Map Because Of A 'Hide-The-Marauders' Spell on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#6) Fred And George Don't See Pettigrew On The Map Because Of A 'Hide-The-Marauders' Spell

    From Redditor u/potter365:

    It has ALWAYS bothered me that there is no clear explanation for how Fred, George, and Harry could have possibly overlooked the fact that Peter Pettigrew literally slept with Ron every single night and only Lupin catches it much later. Searching message boards I finally found an answer that helps me sleep at night.

    “This is purely conjecture, but it's entirely possible that the Marauders placed some extra protection on the Map in case it were to fall into the wrong hands -- a "hide-the-Marauders" function, if you will. If you think about it, this makes sense -- for, as we know, it did fall into the wrong hands, and they wouldn't want anyone to know about their monthly excursions or any of their other Invisibility Cloak adventures. Moreover, they probably only would have wanted it to be a temporary function, so that they might be able to find each other if necessary.

    So let's say that there was this hide-the-Marauders function, and it was enabled when Filch confiscated it. Fast forward to Fred and George discovering it. They don't notice anything wrong with it, of course, because none of the Marauders are supposed to be at Hogwarts...until the year in which Lupin arrives. Still, it's clear they don't use the Map much anymore by this point -- they've outgrown it, and they're even passing it on to Harry. Nobody notices that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is never on the Map -- and why would they? Both Harry and the Weasley twins probably like Lupin, so he's not somebody they'd be watching out for; plus, it's probably a lot harder to notice someone's absence from the Map than someone's presence on it (especially, regarding the case in point, if that someone shares a common room with you).

    Then Lupin confiscates the Map, and what does he do with it? He's smart -- he uses it to watch out for Harry, as we know he did on the day of Buckbeak's execution; he must also want to use it to watch out for Sirius Black, who has already managed to break into Hogwarts once. So he disables the hide-the-Marauders function, but by now Pettigrew (as Scabbers) is hiding out at Hagrid's out of fear, and no longer living in the Gryffindor Common Room. Because Lupin isn't focusing on Hagrid's hut -- why would he? -- he doesn't notice his old school friend until one night, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione sneak out to see Hagrid.

  • Fred Becomes A Hogwarts' Ghost on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#7) Fred Becomes A Hogwarts' Ghost

    From Redditor u/becauseican95:

    Fred replaces Peeves as Hogwarts's poltergeist. I assume the regulations for becoming a Hogwarts ghost is to die in Hogwarts, so why wouldn't Fred Weasley fight his way back to be and become the new Poltergeist? He likes pranks and making people laugh, and he could watch over the future Weasley generations!

  • The Twins Switched Places Before 'Half-Blood Prince' on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#8) The Twins Switched Places Before 'Half-Blood Prince'

    From Redditor u/footstepsfading:

    TL;DR: They're the same person anyway, but it wouldn't surprise me.

    I've reread the chapter. I definitely think it's entirely possible. They even make their trademark "I'm not George, I'm Fred!" joke when Mad-Eye is assigning who flies in which pairs in the Dursley kitchen. They even go back on the joke a moment later, just pissing him off more. When the twin pretending to be Fred comes in to see George, he is speechless for the first time in Harry's memory. Mrs. Weasley asks "How do you feel, Georgie?" while the earless twin wakes up. So he's prompted to be still George, and obviously conscious enough to make (or continue) jokes.

    I think that the twins could have kept up the joke because they liked knowing that their own mother couldn't tell them apart. The permanent evidence locking one into an identity would have only been amusing to them if they were locked into the wrong one. Top of page 75 in the hardcover edition:

    "Ah well," said George, grinning at his ear-soaked mother. "You'll be able to tell us apart now, anyway, Mum."

    They lost their favorite joke, but at the bottom of page 78 the rest of the characters walk back into the Burrow to find the twins laughing together after being alone in the room. This is possibly where they agreed that it didn't truly matter which one of them lost the ear. They co-own the shop.

    In summery: So when they lost the ear, they thought it would be their own private joke to keep the wrong identities so that their mother still couldn't tell them apart. Then, when Fred (really George) died, George (really Fred) felt too guilty to tell his mother the truth, plus, what did it really matter if she mourned for the wrong son? It would be needlessly confusing. But telling Angelina the truth would make her feel better that her date to the Yule Ball was still around. Then they got married and had kids. I bet the twin and his wife took that secret to their graves.

  • The Quidditch World Cup Was Fixed And Fred And George Knew About It on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#9) The Quidditch World Cup Was Fixed And Fred And George Knew About It

    From Redditor u/BoredOneNight:

    The result of the World Cup is so unusual and made even more strange by the fact that Fred and George were willing to bet all their savings on it. Most likely, they were just being very savvy with their years of experience playing and following the sport, but I can definitely envision a scenario where for whatever reason the Bulgarian team (or just Krum) are bribed or threatened into making sure that the match had that very specific outcome. Maybe Krum was bitter about playing on such a lousy team and wanted to at least make some money, maybe he needed funds to take care of his sick mother, maybe some elements of the Wizarding criminal underworld told him he could either catch the snitch or catch an Killing Curse. Fred and George are desperate for money at this point and have made contacts with some low level thieves and thugs, like Mundungus. They find out somehow and figure they may as well get in on the action.

    Quora user Priya Sridhar:

    Fred and George did time-traveling to hedge their bets at the World Cup— The twins would be the type to use some “illegal” magic that’s otherwise harmless to get the means to win a bet. Also, it was mysterious how they disappeared during the riots and were unconcerned about that part. How would they get their hands on a Time Turner? Well Hermione had one during the last year.

  • Fred And George Missed Peter On The Map Because The Names Of Animagi Don't Show When In Animal Form on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#10) Fred And George Missed Peter On The Map Because The Names Of Animagi Don't Show When In Animal Form

    From Redditor u/anuragkadiyala:

    Ever since someone on Tumblr pointed out that it doesn't make any sense that Peter lives with Ron for three years, yet Fred and George fail to notice this on the Marauder's Map, I've been wondering how this can be explained. I finally figured it out! It's because the Map shows names of Animagi only when they're in human form, and, when they are in animal form, only if the Map's user know that they are Animagi. Think about it: nobody except Lupin, who has witnessed their transformations countless times, was able to see Peter and Sirius in the animal form on the Map. Snape only saw Lupin and Sirius in the Shrieking Shack (who were both in human form), but not Peter (who was a rat at the time). Harry also never saw Rita Skeeter on the Map when she was a beetle. I'm pretty sure the Marauders included this feature because should the Map ever be found by a teacher, their being Animagi would still remain a secret. This would've been more important to them than the Map being completely accurate. Lupin didn't even tell Dumbeldore Sirius could turn into an animal when he thought Harry's life was in danger. That's how much he wanted to keep it a secret, even over twelve years later.

  • The Twins Just Assumed Scabbers' Real Name Was Peter on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#11) The Twins Just Assumed Scabbers' Real Name Was Peter

    From Redditor u/beccalynng:

    One topic of discussion I see pop up on this subreddit fairly often is Fred, George, and the marauders map. Many seem disgruntled over the assumption that they saw Peter Pettigrew in a dormitory with their little brother and little brother's friend and never asked about him or did anything to check who it may be when they saw them on the map but eventually learned all of that years Gryffindor boys' names.

    The first possibility:

    The marauders themselves don't appear on the map unless it's to another marauder. This seems to be the most likely, honestly, as Harry never notices Peter on the map or Sirius on the map, either, and it's only Remus who does eventually spot Peter and Sirius. The twins never mention anything about seeing an extra name in Percy's dormitory or Ron's dormitory, either.

    The second possibility:

    The twins could see Peter Pettigrew in a dormitory with Percy and/or Ron... if they looked. This theory holds that most likely the twins had no reason to check in on their fellow Gryffindors because their pranks were usually outside of Gryffindor tower.

    The third possibility:

    The twins did see Peter Pettigrew on the map while he was with Percy and/or Ron, so they went to investigate. It's not a large leap to assume that they would eventually learn the name of all the Gryffindor boys in the same year as their brothers, after all, or that they might ask after not hearing anything about this Peter. The only thing they could find to fit seemed to be Scabbers, the old family rat. What would be the first assumption they could make, here? That Scabbers is secretly an animagus in disguise? Obviously not.

    Magic is weird. Even to wizards/witches who have grown up with it their whole lives there's avenues of magic that they have no idea about. Thinking that some kind of magic could have been done to Scabbers to make him show up with a human name when the rat is already long-lived compared to other rats is probably not too unusual a thought. The twins wouldn't know Peter's name, after all. Even when Sirius escaped Azkaban and was in the news they might not recognize Peter's name or hear of it at all. If they went into Percy's or Ron's dormitory and counted off all the boys and only found a rat with a name they'd not immediately assume animagus or be distrustful, not after all those years of Scabbers being in the family.

    Which is the most likely?

    Personally, I think the first is the most likely, though I can easily buy into the third, too. The first seems to have some canon backup, in so much as no one outside of Remus seems to be able to spot Peter or Sirius on the map third year and even the twins might have glanced around for Sirius after hearing he entered Ron's dormitory and stood over him in his sleep.

  •  George Weasley Is Willy Wonka on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#12) George Weasley Is Willy Wonka

    From Redditor u/Pious_Mage:

    Willy Wonka's chocolate shop clearly has a magical quality to it with the never melting ice cream, everlasting gobstoppers and so on. Now who is someone who can do magic and is known to be able to charm and create great magical sweets? Why George Weasely of course. With his Skiving snackboxes and such. Do you know what else George loves? Pranks. We already see him prank a fat kid (Dudley) with sweets (Ton Tongue Toffee) and he's smart enough to know how to lure muggles into traps. Augustus would be easy, just makes the chocolate river easy to fall into, and charm it to be tastier than the average chocalats. Blowing Violet up like a blueberry is just the kinda thing George would find hilarious. Veruka, well place a few charms om the squirrels, there under your command and easy does it. Mike TV is a simple Reducto curse. Charlie, well they already said in POA that there was candies that could levitate you off the ground. But as much as he could obliviate Charlie and Grandpa Joe, there cunning reminded him of Fred and led him to a soft spot for the boy. The oompaloompa's are simply house elves dressed up and taught to sing.

    My theory is George Weasely after the Deathly Hallows continued his joke shop. Unfortunately though, stricken by grief, he didn't wanna run it anymore without Fred. So when a Muggle accidentally discovers one of there chocolates and goes nuts for it, he see's an entirely new market to go into. Unwilling to bear the name Weasely anymore without his brother and not wanting to draw attention to his family, he changes his appareance and goes by the name Willy Wonka. Here he creates all sorts of crazy magical sweets amd goods, and places memory charms on those who figure out about magic. However, some spies leak the crazy potion recipes and other things and he gets paranoid and shuts himself off, not wanting to break the statute of secrecy. There he continued making new sweets and chocalates, sneaking out using disillusionment charms, invisibility cloaks and apparating hence why no one ever saw him leave. Until finally the events of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory happens.

  • Fred Weasley Is Actually Alive on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#13) Fred Weasley Is Actually Alive

    From Redditor u/Lots42:

    TL;DR: Fred Weasley is alive, hiding as his brother, in order to fight crime.

    Fred's death was faked at the end of the Harry Potter saga. Possibly by the Weasleys themselves. Why? Because they knew they'd need a deep cover secret agent to root out any chance of Voldermort's people causing problems. And who else would be perfect but an agent who could hide in plain sight? Just have George step aside and Fred walk around saying he is George.

  • Fred And George Thought Ron Was Having A Secret Gay Affair on Random Fan Theories About The Weasley Twins That Are Wild Enough To Be True

    (#14) Fred And George Thought Ron Was Having A Secret Gay Affair

    From Redditor u/starlightsymphonies:

    TLDR: For some reason I feel like Fred and George would have assumed he was sleeping with some male student, and would have never outed him if that were the case, so that’s why they never said anything about it.

    I mean honestly, if they didn’t know who Pettigrew was by name (did they??), and they saw him in Ron’s bedroom every night, I kind of feel like Fred and George are nice enough that they wouldn’t call him out on it. Sure, they give him sh*t about everything else, but it was the late '90s. If they had gone with the logical assumption here, and had been going around telling people that Ron was sleeping with someone named Peter (who they’d probably assume was just another student), it would absolutely not have ended well for Ron. They’ll tease him about anything low-impact, sure, but I doubt they’d out their baby brother if it would put him in stress or danger. Fred and George are jokesters at heart, and I’m sure they’ve crossed the line a bit a few times, but they’d never do anything genuinely mean-spirited, especially to family.

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