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  • (#22) A Six Year Decision

    From Redditor u/h2f:

    We lived together for another six years until she changed her mind and told me that I should ask again. We were engaged for over a year and got married in 1991. We are still married, have three children, and are both still very much in love.

  • (#9) "That's A Great Idea"

    From Redditor u/grayputer:

    We were living together. I asked, she said "No, I love you but I need to think about it. I don't think I'm ready yet. Can you give me some time and ask later?". A few months go by, I ask again, same response. A few more months, same deal. A couple more weeks and then she says "hey, what do you think of us getting married?". I replied: That's an excellent idea, why didn't I think of that?

    Our 39th anniversary is next month.

  • (#2) Ti Amo

    From Redditor u/PazzaCiccio:

    My mother told my father no three times. On the third time he got wasted at a local bar and basically started pouring his heart out to any one who’d listen. Mind you, it’s a very small village in the Italian alps and my father barely spoke Italian and no one in the village spoke English, including my mother. Word got back to my mom about this sad American at the bar so she went to find him and she told him she’d marry him.

    My parents celebrated their 44th anniversary last month.

  • (#3) The Biggest Regret

    From Redditor u/freetraveler11:

    I was the one who said no.

    We were high school sweethearts - had actually known each other since first grade and despite me moving to a different city, we reconnected in high school.

    I followed him out to college and realized there was a whole other world out there besides the small towns I grew up in.

    He already had our entire life planned out and it wasn’t until we had dated 3 1/2 years and he “surprised” me with a ring and a proposal that I realized he wasn’t what I wanted at all. He was lazy, never went to class, didn’t stand up for himself, and was codependent.

    I said no.

    He then proceeded to literally stalk me. We lived in the same apartment complex, but different units. He would knock on my door all hours of the day. I never answered. He would call and text constantly. This was before you could block numbers on an iPhone.

    He attempted to break in to my roommates window and was successful because she had left it unlocked. I wasn’t at the apartment and he told her, “I was just trying to get some stuff”.

    The very rare occasions I would open the door (very shortly after our break up), he would force his way in or stick his boot in between the door so I couldn’t close it.

    I called the cops numerous times but they never did anything.

    He would follow me if I left places.

    At one point, he somehow knew information that I knew he COULDNT have known and found out he had somehow installed a program onto my computer to track all my passwords and keystrokes and activity.

    That was when I decided to change my phone number.

    He would leave stuff on our balcony. Letters, gifts, random sh*t.

    He did not stop and would threaten me often by saying he would find out my new phone number.

    Eventually, it did get less and less, however TO THIS DAY, I still hear from him.

    I’m married now (for almost 4 years) and I’ve heard that he is also married and has a kid on the way.

    But a few months ago, he found my extremely obscure Facebook (it’s not even my full name. It’s half my first name and only my middle name. I have maybe 11 “friends” on there that he has no connection with. I really only use this fb to be in groups to discuss true crime) and asked me to meet up with him for lunch for closure. I blocked him, but I know I’ll hear from him again somehow in a few months.

    It’s ridiculous, honestly. I regret ever dating the guy.

  • (#13) Not All No's Stay No

    From Redditor u/elubow:

    We met in her home country of Germany while I was traveling. I knew I was in love. We dated long distance for a while. Me flying to Europe. Her flying to the US. I suggested marriage so we could be together. She said no a few times. I didn't press. But I was patient and not being pushy. I knew she was worth the wait. Then it hit her that's how we could be together. If we got married, we could live in a country together. The difficulties of being born on a different patch of dirt. A few years later, I'm still married to my best friend and living with her in Germany. Not all no's stay no. Life goes on.

  • (#10) Flipped The Script

    From Redditor u/notibutm:

    We actually got married, moved in together, 2 weeks later, she moves out, blocks me everywhere and never gave me a reason, shortly after I was served with papers, now I'm divorced, that was last summer and not sure where I am now, making work my main priority for now.

    I just want to know why for some closure, but that's too far gone now.

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About This Tool

The deepest impression of the beautiful fairy tale is the only answer to a marriage proposal is "yes". But sometimes, marriage is not a good choice. There are many good reasons for refusing to propose, such as: not sure whether she/he is the best partner, not knowing enough about each other, or doubting whether it is the right time to get married.

When facing a marriage proposal, if you should say "no", don't say "yes". Honest answers allow you and your partner to make the best decisions for the future. The random tool shares 22 fascinating stories of women who said no to proposals.

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