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  • Harumi Kiyama - 'A Certain Scientific Railgun' on Random Greatest Anime Anti-Villains

    (#10) Harumi Kiyama - 'A Certain Scientific Railgun'

    Harumi Kiyama is a researcher who was charged with teaching a group of kids called Child Errors. Child Errors were abandoned by their parents and were generally considered expendable, which is why they fell victim to an experiment that put them all in comas. Horrified, Harumi set to work trying to figure out how to revive her kids. 

    But the results of her research turned out to be wildly dangerous. She created the Level Upper, a sound frequency that's capable of both dramatically increasing the users' abilities and putting them in a coma. This last part is why the heroes feel the need to try and stop her - but her only motivation was to save her students. 

  • Kugaha - 'Noragami' on Random Greatest Anime Anti-Villains

    (#11) Kugaha - 'Noragami'

    Kugaha's serves as one of the main antagonists in the world of Noragami, but he actually has a pretty good reason for his behavior. He serves under a god called Bishamonten as a shinki - that is, a spirit who has been chosen by a god to fight in their service and transform into a weapon for their use. 

    Bishamonten has more shinki than she can handle. Not only does she need to provide for all of their physical needs, but she's also dramatically impacted by their emotions. When her shinki feel neglected, depressed, or anything else that's negative, she feels it physically in the form of an illness called blight. It gets so bad that Bishamonten is nearly nonfunctional. 

    Kugaha decides to rectify this state of affairs by taking Bishamonten's life so that she can be reincarnated into someone who won't take in every stray she can find and destroy herself in the process. Because he thinks of himself as one of the few shinki worth Bishamonten's time, he's fairly accused of arrogance - but he was also trying to save his goddess from herself. 

  • Suzaku Kururugi on Random Greatest Anime Anti-Villains

    (#6) Suzaku Kururugi

    • Code Geass

    More than anything in the world, Suzaku Kururugi wants a life free from warfare. To ensure peace, he's willing to make some major sacrifices. Those sacrifices include taking his own father's life to prevent him from leading an uprising and willingly being subjugated by the Brittainians, who consider him to be less than human because he's Japanese.

    His own safety, comfort, and morality are less important to him than his desire to maintain stability at all costs - which is why he opposes Lelouch, who wants to bring about a violent end to the oppression that Suzaku faces. As the series continues, Suzaku's opinions evolve, but this is the place where he starts. 

  • Shinobu Sensui on Random Greatest Anime Anti-Villains

    (#3) Shinobu Sensui

    One of the most unfair things about the Yu Yu Hakusho universe is that that it's perfectly fine to destroy demon lives, while humans are considered worthy of protection. This is because humans are seen as pure and defenseless, while demons and powerful and evil. Except, that isn't even remotely true - plenty of humans are powerful or cruel, while plenty of demons are weak or innocent.

    Shinobu Sensui, a former spirit detective, realizes this contradiction and is overcome with guilt at the number of demon lives he took without thinking. He decides that the only way to make up for it is to destroy humanity through opening up the demon gate. 

    Obviously, no one who seeks to do something so violent can be called a good guy - but his understanding that demons deserve to be treated like sentient beings is on point.

  • Shigure Sohma on Random Greatest Anime Anti-Villains

    (#8) Shigure Sohma

    • Fruits Basket

    If you're new to Fruits Basket and aren't familiar with the manga, keep scrolling.

    If you have read the manga, you know that there's a lot more to Shigure than meets the eye. His goal is a reasonable one - he wants to break the curse that forces his family to transform into animals and keeps them bonded to Akito, the god who reigns terror over them all. Shigure wants this not just for the sake of his fellow Zodiac members, but for Akito, too - because the only thing in the world that he loves as much as himself is Akito.

    To achieve his laudable goal, Shigure constantly provokes people into having extreme emotional reactions, lies to and manipulates others, and sleeps with someone he really shouldn't have slept with - although that last one was as much due to petty jealousy as it was to any sort of noble purpose. 

  • Squealer on Random Greatest Anime Anti-Villains

    (#12) Squealer

    • Animal Farm

    If you were part of a species that had been routinely treated like expendable livestock that had to obey humanity at all costs, chances are you'd want to fight back. You'd especially want that if the very people who oppressed you were the ones who spliced your DNA so that you would be weaker than they were to begin with. Such is the fate of monster rats, a species that was once human but was combined with mole rat DNA until they could be easily exploited by humanity. 

    Squealer, one of the more strong-willed monster rats, eventually leads his people in rebellion against humankind. His actions result in countless human casualties, so it's not like he doesn't have blood on his hands. But his ultimate goal - to grant his people the freedom and dignity that any sentient species deserves - is a fair one.

    While most humans in From The New World don't realize this, the protagonist does - which makes it all the more difficult for her to oppose him and protect herself and her loved one. 

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An indispensable presence in the second dimension: The Villain. The better and more impressive the villain, the more compelling the hero, and the more profound the pleasure of the story. Even the fragments of conscience can not feel the extremely evil way is a different kind of charm, after all, the rockets are out of print.

They have different reasons for becoming Anti-Villains. Some for betrayal, some for revenge. This random tool generates 13 items, recording the classic Anti-Villains characters from the famous anime. Itachi Uchiha, Stain, Shinobu Sensui, Archer, Tsukasa Shishiou and so on, can you recall the plot very quickly?

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